chapter 20 pezzie

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Chapter  20
Chapter Pezzie

They were once again on the road , but this  time she wasnt enjoying it, not anymore . She cared for Jebedaiha  a great deal , but he had put them in danger once more . Would he do so again ? She didnt know  , they had been lucky  with the man in the house ,on the road but it could have been an ambush ,even when he had met her . Had he come in  unarmed ?Was he blinded blinded by his  quest to find his son? He was a really kind person , and they had lots of fun together . But  this was a question of survival  . Maybe the best option was to join the next town , the best choice had been to join the first town they visited .She  didnt feel safe anymore .
- Your awfully  quiet back there , is everything okay ? He ask
- Yes  , i am just thinking , she answered
-  ravioli , for your thought , he tried improving the mood
She felt awful about her doubt ,he was such  a good man .
- Im thinking  about how life was , she lied .
He smiled at her , and turn the music on . Bored  she started to do  the inventory , they were still pretty good on ammo , they were doing good in canned food , they had just found a hunting cabin  pretty full  of beef jerky , then came the water she checked and realized that it was almost  empty,  the inventory  had been  her job, how did she  missed it . She was so focus on how he had put them in danger , that  she had put them in a dire situation herself  .
- We are good on almost everything but we are low on water ,  she finally said
- well stop by a gas station , i am craving chocolate  , said Jebedaiha 
They continue on the road luckily  there was a shopping center  not too far , if they are any survivor  that would be a good place to be , in order to survive . They stopped  at the small convenient  store , Jeb turned around silently  and told her ,
- grab your gun and one of the  baseball bat   , there is a possibility of there being  people , hopefully  we can stay the night  .
She nodded , every place could have monster or survivor . When they got in , something  was odd theyre was a blanket with various food on it, there was even some water .Was someone living here ? Why was all the stuff set in one place , what was even more odd was that the shelves themselves had not  been touched . Someone had put them there . She mention to Jebedaiha  how weird it was .
- I think someone is living there , she said
-  if they are they came on foot i didnt see a car outside , im surprise how neat this place still look , we should take some food and water on the shelves and leave .
Was he suddenly changing ?  He was asking the right questions , taking the right decisions , where was the overconfident  man ,she had met . He always had a smile and a story ,but since the town, he had been somewhat quieter. Was he sad having possibly seen his son infected .  They took some of the food , mainly  some trails mix, oatmeals , more jerky , some cereal and noodle , they had even took some chips , on the farm  Jeb only ate healty , he didnt tasted most of the chips she loved ,she thought that those could maybe cheer him up .She started to hear some noise coming from the back , she warned Jeb , the noise were coming from behind a door  it was a risk but the noise was almost a whinning  , this couldnt be real . When Jebedaiha  came closer , he gave her a nod , the smell  was awfull  , it smelled of feces and piss , but then in the middle of the room was a dog,  a young german sheppard , when the dog saw them she showed her  teeth and started to bark , as she was backing down she tripped on a wire , she heard a large clank sound  , Jebedaiha  ran outside  and screamed ,
- the wire was a trap , it made a bunch of cans, fall over ,  we need to get out of here and quick !
- we cant possibly leave the dog here , look at his surrondings , he has been neglected . She answered
- ok but be fast , the trap was to make some noises , it alerted the person who had set the trap . He added
She tried to get the dog to  trust her , but it was useless . She have to act ,and act fast , it was a dog   she said sighting  . She went and grabbed  a pepperoni  stick , right away, the puppy was following her .
- they are coming its too late , screamed  Jeb
She heard a shelves being pushed , 

-I could use some help, she heard him screamed .
she ran and help him push she was seeing the infected , coming toward them , did they infected  whom ever put up  the trap , thankfully they were making progress with the shelves  , they pushed one against the door but the infected were in great number ,there were surely more than twenty of them , even if they planned on using there weapon they would have time to break the glass and enter this building  .
- what should we do ?she asked panicking
-  All of this , is  only for gaining time , grab as much food as you possibly can ,there is the manager office , with a bit of luck we can barricade  ourselves in that room .  Was all he said
- Jeb you should see this . She said looking  outside
The most bizzare thing ,happened before their eyes , he could hardly believe it  , the infected had formed two wall and   in the middle , was a different kind of monster all together , she looked oddly human , it was a similar to when the three infected had showed up in the zombie town, those were different, she was still beautifull , she was an infected ,that was sure but from afar she could easily fool someone. She saw them and growled , and then all of the zombie advanced  at the same time .
- run to the office , he screamed
They ran thankfully  ,she had already brought  a bit of food , even the dog had follow her .They wouldn't last long, a day for sure , maybe two if they rationed it . They heard the glass break , heard the shelves falling , they had entered the building .They had the time to block the door with the office desk ,thankfully the office had a small window , too small for someone  to pass trough ,but for air circulation it would be good enough .
- Im sorry , she said
The same morning she had put the blame of all of their failure, all of there close call  on his shoulder , he didnt deserve that , except for in the town  ,their life had never been in danger ,he had save them ,if she had shot one of the zombies there , they would surely have attacked. Even on the road  that night with the bad man , she was in the car following his order . But alas, that was it , thats was in the past ,they were stuck in a small office with small rations, this is where it would all end  .
- dont be pumpkin , its the apocalypse  id say we did pretty good . He answered smiling 
- but we are finish, we have no chances , no exit , she said sobbing
he got up and hugged her
-for me it was finish when i saw Justin in that town , I would have ended it all right there, right then , but you  saved me, you gave me a reason to continue . I put us in danger , i was a father in the apocalypse  , now im a survivor fighting for survival.
- are we gonna die ? She ask
- there is a chance , he answered
What could he possibly  think, would save us , she knew, he had been a religious person but he couldnt possibly  believe that god would save them. Then it hit her . Was he gonna sacrifice himself , to let her escape? Then the last comment about being a survivor  now , how he had changed. Was he gonna sacrifice her to save himself?
- How can we survive, she ask  fearful
- the woman zombie , she was like Justin somehow I think some of them are in someway smarter  , some of them are possibly leader , the zombies will attack  non stop , but if she choose another target, someone passing by  , we have a chance   he replied
The woman had seemed different and she had made them attack or at least it look like she did .Was he right?
- And if they dont stop ? She ask
He look at her sadly and mouthed , i dont know . Things  were looking bad ,she was scared , the only thing that was making her happy , was that the dog  was licking her face and the fact that, she could once again trust in Jebedaiha  . She laugh, and saw him smile .
- whats  her name ? He ask
- I dont know , she answered
then she notice the name tag , and laughed
- Princess , she said
He laugh too .
- my daughter  Pezzie had name a couple of our horses ,princess , its not very apocalypse survivor but if you like it why change it
- i love it , she said laughing and hugging the dog
As he mentioned  his daughter Pezzie , she saw him as a father , she could have been his daughter and they had the same name , how odd.
They started to talk like nothing was going on she was thankfull for Jebedaiha  ,she knew he was changing  her mind .Then they heard loud growl and heard a gun , maybe an assault riffle  being shot . They heard multiple bodies hitting the floor .
- Goddamn , that was a lot of them , said a voice .
- why were they attacking this door , do you think theyre something or someone in there ? ,ask a second voice
- take your knife and make double sure theyre dead . Said the first voice
As they waited , Jebedaiha  gave her his pistol and signed for him to cover his back , he took a chair in the office and held it as a weapon .  Finally the door opened and they saw a man .
- sir ,there are two survivor in here , said the second voice
- Come out with your hands up , we have two assault rifle . Said the first voice
Jebedaiha  was the first to leave the room , he looked at the infected ,what was he looking for ,she wondered  the women?  He look at her and shook his head .  She wasnt there , she had run away .
- Mister Jebedaiha? , asked the second voice
A young blond hair man was walking toward Jeb with his a big smiled .

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