chapter 21 Jay

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Chapter  21

The situation was looking dire , Jay didnt know what to do , even when looking at Sam  he could tell she was confused .What exactly  was going on , Reggie  couldnt be thinking straight,  he was risking everything  , the town had accomplished  so far .  Sure the two leader had a different perception  , but to banished even  one alpha out of the three , that could give him every  rights, he would stand,with almost no opposition  , who knew and trusted  Jay , on the other hand everyone knew Reggie,it would be almost a dictatorship , he doubt, he could do much, even as an alpha
-Reggie, please  lets talk about this , Jesus attempted 
- the time to talk  is over , now is the time to act , answer Reggie
Jay couldnt watch the scene without reacting  ,he had to do something  , whatever  it was he had to try , too much was at risks
- Reggie please, what you have accomplished  is truly amazing , please do not risk it all , Jesus is right , there is hope
The infected new leader looked  at him with a disappointed face
- thats unfortunate  ,  i had hope to make you see my side of thing , but without  even listening  to my point of view you have already chosen side ,  considered  yourself banished too then.said Reggie
Before he had finished Jay had notice that , one of the infected  surrounding  them had become agitated , he was now inches away and was growling angrily , Jesus looked at the zombie with horror .
- Reggie , no ,what have you done , you didnt bring zombie here ,have you?
Reggie  gave a low growl and the zombie calm down
-they are harder to control  yes ,admitted  Reggie, but it is doable, you didnt  leave  us a choice .
- What do you mean ? Ask Jesus , what did i do to make you act this way.
Reggie laugh
- you've let people walk out of her alive ,they were easy target ,two beta would have  made everything  easier a golden opportunity, now they will tell other about this place , you have put us in danger. Dont you realise?  Now we must fight ,worst case some zombie dies , best case a bunch of  beta are born.
-Reggie   ,this is madness, you  cant possibly  hope to control zombies ,we've tried  it didnt work, they will betray you no matter how hard you try
Jay could swear he saw a hint of fear in Reggie  eyes .
- you always lacked  vision , Jesus its your biggest  downfall ,  zombies are just slaves to there needs, as long as you feed them they will be loyal .Did you know  that in desperation they will eat each other ? There easily over a million of them  , and maybe a couple thousand  of us at the most , there our only salute.
- what about our dreams, our inspirations ? Ask Jesus
- they were dreams , this is reality , there is plenty of inequality out there   , egality is no longer viable , said Reggie before signaling the zombies to take them away .
- what will happen to us? Ask Sam worried .
-  im not a monster ,despise my appearance  , we don't kill our own  , he said, you will have a small house  , were dream stay dreams  
They were taken to a small house,   nothing out of the ordinary  , Jay was confuse , there wasnt any lock , no way to stop them from exiting  this "jail" , as if Reggie had guessed  his thoughts ,he said
- and if ,oh i dont know ,the idea of running away , was to cross your mind , you should probably  know theyre are five zombies waiting  outside , and i wont be there to watch over them  . Who knows what they might do .
They were shove inside clumsily  by the zombies .Inside  the reality  ,finaly hit them  , they were stuck , safe  from harm , but with nowhere to go  . It was more similar limbo than anything  else . The situation  was rough
- what do we do now , Jay  ask Jesus
- This is all my fault , said Jesus
-what do you mean , ask sam
- it all happened in the beginning  , when me and Reggie  began creating this town , we had it good , we were building a dream , building a future . The Reggie back then , it was different  , he was happier , he trusted more  , we shared  the vision , but I was lying , you see my wife had been bitten  by an omega , she became a zombie , thankfully  im from around here and  i knew of a house with a cellar .
Then Jesus stopped  talking he seemed lost in his thought ,after a short while , he restarted  , sobbing
- i knew she was a zombie , i knew  the danger , but i couldnt live without here , he said ,now crying , i kept her in the cellar she couldnt  open the door she was stuck , i didnt  know that they're  was another door
He stopped again
- you dont need to tell us , said Jay
- i do , i really  do  , he continued  , she got out by the second door , Reggie love the town , but he had a sister  , she was the only one from his previous  life , he even bite  her when we understood the category , she was a beta , his sister was the heart of this town , she kept her humanity  more than any of us , she ... she saw my wife walking with no goal , tried to help her , alas she was killed
- im so sorry to hear this , said  Jay
- Reggie was mad , he needed  to find the culprit   , i was scared that if he found out i lied hed kill me , you should have seen him ,  he was on a war path , then the luck struck out my wishes were granted , a man was visiting  the town , scavenging,  i ... i lay the blame on him .
Jay was abashed , he was looking at Jesus as a hero , as the savior of the damned , as a role model, but he was the one who had create the whole mess that emprison them , that why he was so surprised  when Jesus said
- I cant lead anymore , i stayed to be the one to control Reggie but its too late i failed , i failed once more , when i met you  i was hoping , no i was praying that you could take my place , i had so much to teach you more but time is pressed .
- what do you mean , said Jay , time is pressed ?
- Reggie had the two non-infected people followed  , they found a town , hes probably   recruiting  right now , he probably  want to  attack this town build up more of us , i though  we had more time
- but we are stuck  in here , said Sam 
- theres still people who believe  in my way , still people who  will follow me , and now you , they fear Reggie , they fear war , you now need to protect them , find them quick ,then  go into the yellow house , go  in the cellar  and wait till the chance come .
- why the hurry , ask Samantha
- there is little hope left , in the result that Reggie wins , they will come back with all the zombie they can find , in the result that they loose , they will seek revenge and attack this town , you need  to protect  the one who just want to survive .
- what about you ,ask Samantha

But Jay had understood  ,
- I will do my best ,he said
Jesus ran trough the door , followed  by the zombies  , Sam was looking  at the scene  in horror  but Jay  grab her hand and ran he had offered them a diversion  , the only chance they had   , probably  the only chance they will ever  have , they ran in the street . Looking for the house , they found  it , it was recluse ,no wonder , Jesus had chose this place . Jesus had been a role model ,a flawed one but his idea was still standing  , it was now up to him to make sure , that his previous mentor dreams became reality

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