chapter 29

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Chapter  29 Pezzie

Her heart was broken , there was no illusion , Jeb had died .He had sacrifice himself like a hero , if it wasnt for him  they wouldnt have made it out alive , worst case yet ,without his sacrifice  the infected  would have probably  came back to the town and attack once again . His sacrifice  had saved so many , yet she didnt want him to have to do it , even if it saved a hundred people , she would have preferred  him to the whole town . She knew it was selfish ,   she knew it was wrong but didnt know what pushed her to be that way .She remembered  her father when he was alive , he was a great father , but very absent he had sacrifice everything  to the army , his time with is family  , he even put his life at risk for them , but he wasnt there for Pezzie is that why she had become so attached  to Jeb , no he was just that kind of men . She had made him a promise , the promise to survive  and she was gonna make sure she kept her word . There was a lot of work back home , she sobbed harder ,her home  .The one she had shared with her paternal figure , she was now alone save for princess , it would be rough  , it would be awfull  . They arrive at the town, after what seemed like  an eternity  .Luckily it was very late , most if not everyone  was sleeping, she didn't  know if she was in the right state of mind to socialize  . She went home   , those same four walls they had  decided to called home . Tears flooded from her eyes  , alone in the living room on her knees , thankfully  princess  came to lick her face . Tomorrow , the futur, scared her , she would have to tell the whole story to the town, make them understand  the situation , do everything she could just for a chance at honoring his sacrifice, they had lost two members  Finn and Jeb . Sadness became rage  as she  thought about how sad people would be for the previous community  leader  ,that had done nothing , he didnt prepare them to fight Jeb did ,he didnt save them Jeb did , it was unfair , this whole world was not fair .She was screaming in pain , anything to let go , anything to release her anger . The door knocked
- Go away , she screamed still mourning 
- Its M. Omallys we heard about your loss , we wanted to make sure you were okay .
- I want to be left alone , she said her voice shaking 
- Please open , said a second voice
This voice  was  the voice of Parker , he would help her , he always helped.He was the beacon of hope they needed .She open the door sobbing, jumping  in  the young man arm . They hugged in silence , a strong hand push her gently  ,before the father of her friend said
-  You arent staying here tonight , you are staying with us .
Maybe Pezzie wasnt along , maybe she still had some friend . Parker and Ben had been kind to her , spending a night there couldnt be so bad . They arrive at the place , Ben was waiting anxiously
- Hi Pezzie ,he said , are you okay ?
She nodded  as he ran to hug her , they were good people , she didnt exactly  know what had happen to the mother but one thing was sure , those three were close . M. Omallys  brought  her a hot chocolate  and they sat in silence as Pezzie recounted  the events . After a short silence . The father said ,
- I believe you  , I do , i saw with your father what happened, there was clearly  a zombie in charge , I dont know exactly  how smart it was , but it gave order . My only problem is how do we know  they arent gonna attack , even if what you said is true , people are gonna be afraid and will want us to take action.
They believe  part of the story,  that was the good news,the bad was they didn't  believe  her completely. If only they were there ,she thought  ,then they would understand. Wait thats it, she thought  , Thomaz was there they would  believe him,they  had too. The next day  the town had organized a community  meeting , Ben had told her that it was held in honor of the departed one . But it was her chance to talk to the whole community, she couldnt  miss it . Thank god for Parker , she was feeling nervous going back in the church with everyone  , people were  telling them how sorry they were for her loss , but she didnt care much . Sure it was nice of them , but they didnt know him , she tensed up  and right then when was he hold her hand
- I believe you  and you are doing the right thing, he told her 
It was odd , it was as if he knew  what she had planned , it was scary yet his word felt like honey .People were still coming to her , she had to find Thomaz he was her only  hope ,  he was nowhere to be found , she ask Parker to look  around  but to no avail. Was he even there ? Maybe it was too painful , maybe he felt guilty, at the death  of a camarade. Another question came to her . What if he didnt understand  why she had to kill Flinn ? Then she finally found him he was in a corner , all alone , he was looking at the ground . She  approached  him slowly ,
- Hi Thomaz is everything  okay ? She ask
But the man wouldn't  answer
- listen Thomaz im gonna need your help .... please , she tried once again
he didnt answer, he barely even looked up . People were starting to assemble ,  whatever this event was , it was starting . Pezzie went to sit with the Omallys , she looked around , she finally notice , everyone  but her was wearing completely  black , she realized , it was a funeral. There was a sentiment of guilt , then a sentiment  of righteousness  . Even if this was a funeral ,her message was important , as people were talking about the relation they had with the victim , she was thinking  on what to say . Then came the turn of the people wanted to give an eulogy  for Jebedaiha  . Nobody  got up , nobody cared it made her mad , when suddenly  the police officer spoke .
- I didnt know Jebedaiha  much , i didnt know him at all .What kind of men was he before all this start ? We dont know , what we do know is that he came here , with a child that wasnt is . That child is here today  and shes one of us , she carry a legacy,  the legacy of the man who saved this town twice , you know of the first time , but he saved us last night too ,I think she should come up to tell us the event .
Pezzie looked at the man in the front , he had given her the perfect moment to talk , people were paying attention , she got up and headed to the stage , she looked for Thomaz , hoping for a sign that he could testify . To her surprise  the speech of Mr . Omallys must have touch the man as he was no longer  looking at the ground . Good , she taught  . She got up the stage and took a deep breath. It was now or never , she started to talk
- After the attack on the church , a group of us went to get a zombie that had escape , some of them have thoughts. I know Jebedaiha  already told you this he was right .
She retold once again the event , when she was done people were starting to  whipser . Did they believe her ? She didnt know what she expected .
A voice came from the crowd , she looked for the voice , it came from Thomaz .
- She is telling the truth , everything she said is the truth , the two groups,they were fighting we killed all the member of the first  group, the one who attacked us , but the second group didnt attack us at all . Lord knows they had a chance too , they didnt attack us then , they wont attack us now im sure of it . We are safe behind those wall.
The whispering  stopped , Pezzie was holding her tears  she thought she was alone , yet two people were supporting  her , thanks to them ,they had listen , and they were open to learning , thanks to them they could move foward .
- So what do we do now ,ask the woman who was helping  Jeb on the fields
She looked  at Mrs Omallys  first , no answer , then at Thomaz ,same . She understood,  what she had to do  they had set up the stage ,it was her stage
-  We rebuild with the knowledge  we have , we rebuilt not for us but for the one out there , this place is huge  lets look for people out there , lets bring them here continue with the interview  continue with living , use the field , lets look for animal  we can use , we been so focus on surviving , that we forgot about living , we been looking at this place  at a society who survived  the apocalypse   , we been looking at this place  as humanity  last bastion , but there another town out there ,lets joined them .lets rebuild everything  we lost ... lets start living  once again . This world isnt the world of zombies , it isnt the world of human , its a world of cohabitation

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