chapter 17

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Reggie stood facing Jesus ,the  zombie were slowly gathering around one of the two , this was looking bad , would there be a fight .Jesus had been challenged, this wasn't good, Jay had figured there was two clans ,the town was now divided ,he didn't really get the situation but he knew Jesus,he trusted him ,He would follow him , in the  case of a situation, luckily the sided that supported Jesus was bigger. Reggie looked around him growled and left , Jesus stood his ground the community went back to theyre occupation.Everything seemed to be back in order
-Are we in danger,ask Jay
-I don't think so , Reggie know ,how little of us there is and how numerous the zombie are .He might not agree but he will  understand.
Jesus theory was a clever one and a logical one there was a high chance that if theyd leave the survivor alone , they wouldn't take a chance and go in an infected infested town, the zomies .They  were a problem. They werent conscious enough to plan an attack .Another problem, was that man,why hadnt he attack them,its almost as if he had reacted , when Jay had ordered the omega not to attack.Did he understood Jay, there was also the fact of  how familiar she had seemed maybe they knew each other in the old world . All of that was a problem ,for tomorrow ,Sam was right, if Reggie went against Jesus , some omega would follow an alpha for just being an alpha no matter the reasoning , Reggie didn't seem as pacifist as Jesus.They went back to his home, he needed some training to execute his leader duty , he had to make sure the omega understood it was a priority, the community, its hierarchy.Jay had attempt to studies this sort of class , he would need to give it.Jesus had insisted on the importance of it.He had said it was a leader duty, as an alpha .Leader needed to lead.The meeting , consisted in training , there was  some standing in place for impulse control, some communication and comprehension, and most of all , they even had a cage bunny to teach how to see meat , without going insane , Jay had no idea how Jesus and Reggie had created  this program. However ,after seeing the town ,it was working, with the new infected they were now fifty , the proccesus  had went well ,oddly most omega had similar  learning curve , they were also very obedient.
-What next ,jay asked Jesus
-We restart each other , in a bit of time , we will be able to do three infected search simultaneous , you saw the map , those are the limits , with you we will be finish in two month, maybe three months then its all about staying in town and live as much as our condition permitted us  .Jay was feeling hopeful , theyre might be a chance for people like him. A few day later ,life had completely change damned were saluting him, they acknowledge him,life everyday was easy simple , he understood and saw Jesus was right , if he could tell the damned, about this life , the better his chance would be , he  had to convince Jesus to let Sam go with him,beta were more common , and now that the village was getting bigger , they could spare more people ,Jay also doubted that he could fight a zombie , but Sam would know how ,they spent the rest of the day , with Jesus trying to find ways to be more efficient.Reggie had been nowhere to be seen, as a matter of fact since the incident Reggie had been nowhere to be seen , Jay thought that his failed attempt at challenging Jesus had hurted his ego .He was hopping it would pass, they was too much at risk .They left the next day ,it was Jay's test ,he would be recruiting ,Jesus was tagging along in case of an emergency. The three of them left ,  they walked  to a rural area ,it had been Jay idea , there was a chance that the small population had left most omega ,unfed , uncontaminated . It would be harder to gather infected and longer ,  but the odd of there being a beta or an alpha and if they could bring one to their cause it be worth it , they had reached the town , theyre wasn't much  in terms of building , for some reason Jay wanted to focus on the church , something inside him was telling him , that the church would be the place were people would meet in case of an apocalypse ,they entered the building , as they entered they saw five damned in the church ,they avance slowly hopefully none of them were zombie ,Jay gave a growled then a second , he advanced growling, paying attention to every infected, the last one he approach, he growled , but the damned wasn't paying attention , he tried again but this time he got attacked , he gesture to Sam ,she came to the damned and made quick work of the disturbance

-what happened said a voice

Jay turned and saw a damned , a beta that was a good find they explained the situation
-im sorry, apologize the beta , we tried our best to help him but we couldn't,said the beta name Ryan
After carefully selling the advantage of the community, they had convince the small group and they were on their way, it was fascinating apparently Ryan had been the cause for the other turning but he had kept them under control  ,not as good as Jesus could have done but there was little room for improvement , after some small explanation they had reached the town as they enter it , they were quickly surrounded some of the people surrounding them ,were clearly zombies judging by their appearances.

Whats going on ,said Jesus

Im taking over , said Reggie coming in the circle ,you aren't fit to rule anymore , you've put us in danger , I am now in charge of Deadtopia

The circle was closing in on the three of them .

It was worth a try , said Samantha

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