chapter 3 Jebedaiha

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Chapter 3 Jebedaiha
Written by ink_vendetta

Right when they arrived  home , Jebedaiha ran toward home not evn closing the door of his car , he ran  in the house and   screamed
- Sarah  get in here quick, its  your sister  she needs you!Please hurry its an emergency 
- Im coming , Im coming . She answered, she came in running  visibly  worried .Whats going on , what is the emergency ? She added
But  Jebedaiha  didnt have the time to explain the situation ,   Sarah saw the bite mark and proceed to administer the best medical help she could with what she had, the best that her veterinarian skills allowed her .
- Do you think shes sick dad ? Sarah asked
He thought back at the tv propaganda they had spoken of people biting each other  , Sarah looked at him woringly she wasnt a grown womenanymore, in Jebedaiha  eyes she was his little Sarah the one who always wanted everything to go smooth the one who cared for the animal  , she was worried, yes it was normal to be worried ,  but he could also see the  fear in her eyes .
- Dont worry all of  that infected stuff on tv is propaganda  sweetie . Jebedaiha  answered trying  to convince her but himself at the same time.

He knew that  as long as we believe in god , things would be fine.He could tell Sarah wasn't  completely  convince, but that all he could do for now, Pezzie sitution was the priority  .It had been almost forty -eight hours since they got back home. Pezzie was still under a strong  fever, she slept all day and even when she did wake up she was never totally awake and would go back to sleep  , Sarah didnt leave her younger sister side , his wife hasn't  spoken to him since , he was hoping she didnt blame him , maybe she was just worried. He could barely even blame her , so Jebedaiha  did what he always did in time of questioning or in time of need  he went to the attic to pray, at least, god was always there, looking down on  his childs, he needed guidance.

- Please lord I once again ask for your help , help us ,get trough this hardship , she is with child god , please show mercy, give her your blessing god , im here begging you as a believer , as a worshipper .
Once he had finished praying , he was about to say  amen and call it a day , it had been a hard one and he was ready for it to end  .He heard a scream of pain , coming from a bedroom, was it his daughter , his wife , Jebedaiha  stumble down the step as fast as his body would permit him,he ran to Pezzie  room . She was up and from what he saw she was on top of Sarah, after a closer look  he realized , his sweet child , the one who had been an example of kindness, she was ... she was biting Sarah , no there was too much blood , Sarah wasnt moving . He took a step closers, calmly , silently and realize just how horrible  the scene truly was something that made his skin crawled , an image no father should see , Pezzie was eating her sister face .  

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