chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Another moment  of clarity ,he ate more this time, he had manage to resist the temptation and had settle for some raw beef , he seemed to be back to his own self . He remembered the appeasing  sound of guitar string being struck , the sound of drum behind him, bright light blinding him, that amazing feeling of fresh grass under his naked feet. He remembered  a bit more , his name was a blurred  but the name Jay seemed to oddly familiar , it could be his name . He went back to his home and try at the best of his capacity  to analyse the situation . " Dont know how long i can think clearly " . He remembered   the news talking about infected  people biting each other and remembered the people eating the employee , luckily they didnt attacked him, propaganda  he thought at first . Till the attack became  more frequent  , he had eaten some raw meat  and a small animal ... was he one of them ? That was a possibility  , they didnt seem to have a  a clear understanding of what was going on around them , just like he did . However  he had growl  and they had left him  a space an invitation  to feed . Had he ask  the place or did they have some ways to communicate  . So many question , how did he turn, if he was infected there had to be a  cause , he wasnt bitten at least he tried to remember,  but his thought were back to being a complete  mist . His focus was blurry at best , the sound seemed to be a echo . His moment of clarity , no his normal self had left place to the beast inside of him , the infection  had regain control  . He wasn't hungry , which was strange thinking of his condition, anyway but he had a craving , a craving for the smell , the same one who had guided him . He stumbled  across the floor of his apartment  , opened the door and went down the stairs . He heard a growl , one of the infected , they look at each other . Growling turn by turn .As if they were communicating 
- Im hungry . Said the the infected 
- This is the city we will  find something . He answered Hoping for a small animal , his own word surprising him
Something  about this thing seemed somehow different , Jay didn't  quite understand but his subconscious  took a note . She seemed smarter , didnt bump in thing as much as the other but most of all ? She wasnt walking  hopelessly it was odd as he looked at her trying to make sense of all of this ,he notice that she had a name tag , Samantha  .  He would hopefully  remembered  on his next meal  .As he continued  to "explore" ,he notice  that   she was following  him , it seem normal though ,  he actually  didn't mind . He didn't  mind much of anything as long as he got to that smell . They traveled , hours  or days, following his instinct  , till  they heard a sound , it was a  man ,he was probably  scavenging for food , in a house  . As he saw them approached,  the man yelled and try to escape , but his bag was full, it was heavy , he was slowed down . He  climbed the stairs hoping to perhaps barricade himself or find an exit , he seemed scared by them , but he trip  and fell down the stair directly  at their feets .Something  happen then , something  odd ,Samantha was holding the man down, maintening him to the ground . Jay thought  for sure shed jumped at the chance to  eat him , but she was looking at him waiting.
- You get first bite, choose please , she said
Why was she offering  him the first piece  , was it some  kind of  a code ? No it couldnt , they didn't  think , they we're like animal . Samantha was waiting , Jay  was even more confuse  , why was he thinking a lot  more clearly now ,    was the adrenaline of having a meal ,this powerful or was it conversing with another person like him , understanding  more and more his new normal everyday life .
- Why , he asked 
- You're  different ,  she answered , you move different  , your sense of smell is better she added even your appearance,  you're  more one of them than one of us.
One of us he repeated she had confirmed his fear he was infected . But Jay suddenly  realize something  , he'd have to kill the man .Sure it was to eat , not much different  than killing a cow or a chicken  but this man , this man didnt attack  them , he could have , should  have but he didn't . Why? They were  "infected" nobody would cry for them, they were the predator and him the prey , it would have been justified .
- We move on , he said
- But , Sam started
- We eat to survive , not for pleasure  , Jay said
He hated himself , Sam had followed  him he felt indebted to her  . He hated, what he had  said and how it felt to him like he was  preaching  , he had a vague recollection of him growing up being preached to , to his immense surprise she let go of the man , without arguing nor attacking , she just let him go   . She growled at the man,  who ran away as fast as he could . What a loss was the only thing , she said  before they reembarked on the road . 

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