chapter 34

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Chapter 34 Simon

He felt like a coward  , like a traitor , he had left one survivor behind . He was sure now something  was very wrong this women had attacked him . The question was why? Simon  was torned ,the city was almost equal distance  , between his hometown and Ridgeway . His head was screaming  to do the  right thing , to go see Pezzie and confirm her suspicion , to go give the news of Ben death . But his heart , his guts were telling him  to go see his town , his squadron   his people  . It was his home , he didnt  know the number of zombies  that was in a city they hadnt explore but he had heard the growl  from the outskirt theyre number had to be high ,   a couple of zombies were no issue  , they were use to fighting  them  . But a city full was scary , he had to tell the sarge . As he reached his home city  , he couldnt help it  , now that everything  was in real danger , it made it reminiscent  of this place  beginning . He remembered  how the sarge had been a visionary  and a hero . Made all of the hard choice and carry the burden off all the consequences . The beginning  was  pretty much the same   as most town ,Simon had been in the sarge squad  before this even started . They had arrived at the city ,the same place that was now infested by the very beings that could destroy everything  they work so hard for .When the sarge had arrive it was too late , the city had already been overrun , he had taken the right decision  , it was also the one that was the hardest to take . He had given up on being a soldier , choose to abandon  the city , when Simon had asked why , the sarge had answered that it wasnt  because this place had no hope that the rest of the world had no hope .  They had found a small town on the map , a town next to  a source of water , there would be fishes in that water .It was the logical  choice , the sarge had decided that this is where they would build humanity  last stand . When they had arrive there was already  a dozen survivor  , they were installed  in the town grocery store . They weren't  hard to convince and with them was a pretty skilled fisherman , of course there was a couple of downside  , they were a bit too close to the city to the sarge taste  and there was also the fact that even thought the fish came a plenty  , the rest was pretty hard to come by . The military  town was also the most likely  to get survivor  due to its proximity  and they werent always the friendly bunch . Simon looked at the town , they had done so good   from building wall out of tree log , to training a whole  community  to do their fair share . Meeting Thomaz  had been a shocked  , life was hard in there town ,it was a surprise  to know other people had survived  too Simon had to admit life looked better in Ridgeway  , but then again the grass is always greener on the  other side. He entered the town  greeted  the guard . This town wasnt much , but it was home  he headed right  away  to the sarge tent .  As he entered all eyes were on him he had interrupted  a  meeting .
- Sarge ,can I have a word ? He ask
- what is this  private , cant you see we are busy?The sarge said
- Sir you need to hold this , said Simon 
The conversation  had stop and the whole room was looking at him with a shocked expression
- I swear on all that  is holy , if this is some kind of joke ,private you will get latrine  duty for a whole week ,now speak before i make it two.
- Sir ,im sorry  for the interruption , but  you need to hear this .
Simon  waited for everyone to leave then proceed to explain the whole situation  to the sarge trying his best not to forget any details ,from Pezzie explanations  to the death of Ben .There was  a moment of silence , the sarge took a deep  breath looked at Simon and said
- All of this is very concerning  , how are we supposed  to know the exact number , that women is scary , she is  probably  one of these so called evolved case  , zombie are easy enough . Can you identify her ? We will kill her first ,now if its a city full ,we have to see  what Omallys town has to offer , both of our town will have to united   ,we are not doing great on ammo  and im not dealing with those queen gambit bandits . Our people knows how to fight and I happen to know about your homemade  alcohol  .Do you think it will burn ? If they do we could deal a massive amount of damage  . Just how much of that stuff do you have ? Now im going to need you Simon me and you are going to go in the city and get a clearer idea of what is going on .
- But sir , he started
-  Simon do you know what we have build here , even  Ridgeway  is doing  so good . Do you understand  what is going on ?
- Yessir  , said Simon
Now that he had to go he had to be honest ,he didnt want to go but he had too , he wasnt a coward but he wasnt the bravest  . The sarge had made enough  sacrifice  to be able to order pretty much anything  out of anyone . Simon was feeling an oppressing feeling of fear , he should have never  volunteered  in the first place , who was he kidding he wasnt the sarge  he was no hero he saw a friend get bitten and his first reflexe had been to run away .He was just the wrong person at the wrong time  . He said goodbye  to the people he loved , it was the most dangerous  thing he  ever had to do ,chances are there was no coming back , better be safe than sorry he tought . As he prepare his bag , he found a piece of the sausage Ben had given him . His fear became guilt , no he had to go , they would loose more than one person if he didnt . He joined the sarge at the gate  an took one last look at the town .The road was full of the sarge war story , usually  he didnt pay them much attention but this time  it was as if it was given him courage , they arrive close  to the entrance when the sarge took a turn
- Sir where are we going , ask Simon
- I study map in free time  ,welcome to salvation  , answered  the military  veteran
They arrived  at a small tunnel the stench was something  awfull  , it was the sewer system of the whole city  . Sarge nodded to Simon and went first they advance  ,turning and turning , following a map , when they finally found  the right ladder ,Sarge said
- hope you are ready , private this is where adults are made .
They reached the surface , they were in the middle of an alley , the zombies were so loud the growls they produced  was deafening , the sarge signed to follow him , they walk slowly and quietly .  Luckily  the zombie  were all regrouped  in the center of the city as they advance they met little to no resistance  , when Simon  move to kill a zombie in the way the sarge stopped him
- look at it , its patrolling  this path if it goes missing  they will attack the town .
They couldn't  be this evolve   , there was no way , right? But the sarge was a visionary  , so Simon obeyed , they reached a ladder , that was the target , they climb  multiple obstacles and got  as high as possible  , they had a pretty good view almost all of their surroundings  was now visible . It was an amazing  spot to do some reckon  , Simon looked at the sarge , he was looking at the direction   of the center , Simon was too afraid to look
- how bad is it ? He asked
- This is the second apocalypse  , started sarge, we survived  the first one , this one will be the death of us .

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