chapter 33

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Chapter 33 Ben
Ben was happy , Pezzie had given him a huge task , life inside the town was great but it was at time suffocating  , Being an Omallys was a lot of pressure everyone like the golden boy, Parker, but Ben much preferred the outside, he was his own man , because of the risk of the job , he had bigger ration and nobody to notice he was eating cheese and home dried sausage everyday   , all in all, this job was a dream opportunity . This time he was accompany by one of those militant jerk , Ben didn't care for that town , everything was so formal , they had a code , they had rank  all of it seems  to be so much pressure . This was the apocalypse there was probably less than five percent of the population and it had thought them how precious life was . He had been young but he remembered how stress his dad had been , his mother had even died from a stress induced stroke , but in this life, he didn't have to follow any rule . He wasn't about to start now .

-Hey man , im not gonna start calling you sir or general , he said

-Haha How about you call me Simon , im off duty, im just enjoying a little stroll

Ben was surprise , the man seemed relaxed, he was super laid back compared to the usual military talk . Perhaps he had misjudged this Simon , he felt bad about it

-How about we stopped for a bite , said Ben

-I got a little something  that's gonna make the whole thing, much more fun , said Simon

Ben was suddenly very interested , he wondered what Simon could be talking about .

-Well I got some bread ,some cheese   and some sausage , your turn , said Ben

-Homemade wine , said Simon, made it myself

Ben couldn't believe his ears, even in the community stockroom he didn't see wine in ages , of course those queen gambit scavenger  always carried a bottle or two , but it was always overpriced. Those people were damn capitalist elitiste  .That Simon guy definitely had something interesting .

-Sound like we got ourselves a feast , said Ben

They sat eating exchanging stories , till Ben changed is mind , maybe going on  an exploration with someone wasn't half bad

-So yeah hum.. what your deal , your definitely not like the other people I met in your town .

Simon looked at him and laughed

-You've been on these solo exploration a lot haven't you

-Yeah haha I hope it doesn't show , this communal life isn't really for me , I like traveling , id like anything that took me out of these gates , said Ben

Simon took a deep breath , drank a bit of wine and said

-I feel you man , my father,he was in the army before this shit started , safe to say I was highly encourage to follow that path , I was enrolled for a month when the world ended , I wanted to be an artist now its too late , I have been with the sarge since the beginning , so I feel you .

-Im sorry to hear that , it must be awful , said Ben

-Meh it isn't that bad , I compromise ,they compromise , behind all those regulation , there good people , im fed , safe and a place to call home cannot complain , I even have a boyfriend,  so im probably getting more than you are, answered Simon

Simon wasn't wrong , now that he though about it , life back at the community wasn't that bad , it could be much worse , it was almost a guarantee to be much worse in this world .A sudden feel of guilt washed over him, his father was sick , not a lot of people knew , but a lot of the town responsibility  fell unto his brother shoulder .Ben vowed to make an effort to be more helpful , probably not a fifty – fifty situation but still .They finished eating talking about sports ,Simon had challenge Ben to a soccer match , they were becoming fast friend .

-Where's next , ask Simon

-We will do one last round around the city and then leave , we will go daily,this is  usually it is the most zombie active place nearby , we have done good today , answer Ben

-Sounds good to me , said Simon , we did pretty good considering

They arrive next to the town something very odd was happening , there was a circle of zombie at the entrance . They were all looking at the center of the circle ,

-We should investigate , said Simon

 -Its not a good idea , we are unarmed , replied Ben

-This is why the towns sent us , this might be our only shot , they are closer than expected  maybe only two days distance .We need to act now , insisted Simon

He knew his new friend was right, and this had happen right after he had vowed to be more helpful could it be fate , more like a cruel joke . He nodded, both scout left the car it was too noisy , they advance as silently as possible , Ben guessed that even if they was noisy , whatever was in the middle occupied most of the brain cell they still had . As they got closer thing were getting weird he was hearing growl after growl . He looked at Simon he seemed as confuse as him . He advance curiosity getting the best of him . As he looked in the middle he saw a beautiful women they were attacking her , Ben whispered .

-There is a women trapped in the middle, I think they are planning to eat her

-No wonder they are so distracted it feeding time , I wonder why they aren't attacking , said Simon

-Im not gonna wait to find out, said Ben , here the plan I ram my way in there , I grab the girl , the second I grab the girl you take the long road around and get to the car don't worry they are slow .

-I don't think it's a good idea , said Simon

-She needs us , I vowed to help someone other than myself ,please help me do this

-Fine , finally said Simon , but im warning you , the second they chase me im running , ill take the long way but when im at the car im  not waiting

-Same for me , said Ben winking, if we manage this we not only get to save someone well be hero , hero do get extra ration im sure of it .

They both laugh , Ben nod , the plan was in motion , he took a deep breath and ram into the crowd , all of the growling stopped , Ben was closer to the woman now, as he saw her up close he notice her eyes , they were yellow and red ,  her skin was pale , and her teeth black she wasn't a victim she was an infected . The last thing he ever saw ,was Simon running to the car looking back  

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