chapter 8

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All elements  of the story are fictional any ressemblance  is pure coincidence

Chapter 8 Jay
It has been a while since they had encounter that man , Sam was still following  him , they had eaten some small animal here and there, he still remembered the first time hed eaten ,  flesh as an infected  . How intoxicating,  addictive  , how strong he had feel , he turned to Sam , she felt the same way she though , she was craving that sensation too  . He didn't  mind eating small animal , he wasn't  sure she didnt , she could be like the infected in the grocery store .
- You .. doubt ... she growled, why?
She was smarter ,he knew that  , he didnt know, why but she definetly was,  it was a sure fact . He had met a dozen of damned along the way ( he called them because of the fact that  they didnt choose to be sick ) they were slow , confuse some  had try following  him, one had tried attacking him , only she could  manage to keep up the pace . Another fact was that, he was much stronger since they met , it was almost a weird symbiotic effect , Sam was feeding him info , was making him ask question ,  was his only friend in this new world
- You can leave ,he growled back , I don't know where and when the next meal is
- You are different ,I, follow  food don't matter , you eat , i eat . She answered
Why  was she loyal to him, could they survive without eating , why was he so important to her ,did it matter . He was just glad she was there .
- Where is next destination, she growled
Jay instinct  we're  telling him to go north ,he didnt know why , or what  was leading him here but he something definely was , he remembered  ,old tales  of something  called faith ,believing in something  . Jay sole belief was is instinct , they walked and walked ,till they found an abandoned  gas station ,it was night , as they entered trough  the garage door they found a damned, he looked at him and growled
-  Hun-gry , followed by an agonising low growl
This one was similar to the one that had tried to follow , calm , almost peaceful , theyre body function  where working , but it seemed their mind was death . Jay knew  he couldnt protect nor had he hope to help this one , Sam was easy , she didnt need much guidance,in  this one was no simple task? Much harder  , however on a short distance Jay didnt see  why not , he had been brought  to that gas station , was that damned ,the reason why, if so why him in particular? He didnt smell that same intoxicating smell here  , but his instinct  told him to wait , Sam growled  in a direction  , someone was coming . They hided  and waited ,it was a women riding a horse , she had a knife and   it was shiny  , dangerous he remembered somehow  , she tied the horse to a pole  and headed in to the station. He signed  Sam and the damned to hide , Sam gave a low growls of disappointment but nodded in the end .
-  Why? she ask
-  She didnt attack , so we don't attack ,  but the horse  we eat , said Jay
While  they we're talking , the damned had slipped away  ,he had  attacked  the woman , he got out in the open ,right in front of her , snarling and moving slowly, Jay had wanted  lunge to save him , but Sam had hold him back , shaking her head no . The woman killed the damned and lower herself to check his pocket , she had done a fatal mistake ,she had not only turn theyre  back to her but she also had left her knife on the ground .
Jay had strategize ,he had growled loudly at the woman , baiting her to get  in the store , closer to him , he would have terrain advantage, they had a chance he wasnt sure how vulnerable he was and how many strike if her knife would bring him down ,he was hungry and weak.  She got closer , telling him.
- You ugly son of a bitch, ill kill everyone  of you,you are dead and you will  stay dead 
She said
As soon as she entered the store , Sam lounge  from  her hiding from her hiding spot ,she had seemed to aim before biting her neck , that smell was back it  was a drug  to Jay , he had to get  a bite this time , sure theyre was the horse outside  but the smell was so inviting  , beside she had killed the damned . It was only fair ,that she would eat first , through his willpower alone he manage to resist for a dozen of minute,  but it felt like  multiple hours . The smell itself , put Jay in a trense , he remembered  again now , he was once more  in a very loud place theyre was so many people facing him , he remembered  , the taste of wine and beer , the taste of chicken parm , the sound of laugher , the feeling of  falling in love , he remembered  the last day before he was infected  , he remembered  a friend having to go somewhere , Jay went to replace him for a job , quick cash, he had call it  what was the job , why did it seemed so important ,his memory  where a blurr , he was taken out of his transe by the horse falling noise a loud thumps,  Jay headed out  of the gas station, Sam was following ,behind him , the horse, the poor thing  had been unable to escape , five no six damned  were gathered , they were  eating the horse , they got closer , you see the damned didnt need to eat , the woman was right, they we're dead and nothing human was in that scene  however  they we're  very weak  when they didnt eat . They better fill up said Jay , Sam didnt need convincing  , they both went to the horse , strangely there was another damned a bit further almost as if he had chosen to sit on the bench , eating the horse head , oddly enough Jay but did pay much attention . Again at the horse, he gave the order to move and  let him and Sam eat ,they had started eating when they heard a voice . Jay turned around it was the damned with the horse head he was looking at Jay in the eyes with a smile
- You're  one of us , he said , an evolve one , nice to meet you , whats your name
Jay looked back incredulous  that damned was like him and Sam , he didnt know the concept or the how the three of them were  different , but he was also different .
- How ? Asked Jay
The damned left out a couple of growls , was that a laugh wondered  Jay .
- You didnt think you were special now did you , that you were an exception ,the damned answered

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