chapter 18

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Chapter    pezzie
Pezzie was happy, they were back on the road, nothing could happen as long as they were moving, the town had been nice but it was risky , she couldn't imagine the city . Thinking of the city reminded her of her family and how they had avoided the city ,she took a good look at Jeb , now he was a good man , together theyd make it . She knew there was other survivor but doubted that half of them were as nice as him .Rickart had been odd , but he wasn't completely wrong, she had imagine what the monster had been in their previous life . She couldn't imagine ,how hard it would be to kill them, if she knew them .Then again, she had liberated her father ,all of that was in the past , she felt good about their situation, they now had food , weapon and ammunition. Her and Jeb had gotten closer, they had little in common but would spend days talking about everything and nothing .Soon they would hit the town ,she wondered if they could find Justin, she was convinced he was dead , but somehow wanted nothing more than for him to have somehow survive. Of course Pezzie had spoke too soon, the gas was running out ,

We are gonna have to stop soon pumpkin, said Jebedaiah

She wasn't really looking forward to it, the sun was setting down, she wasn't afraid of the dark, but it was the apocalypse , fear was the new normal .They continued on the road , till they found a farm it was alone , in the middle of nowhere , a light was shining
-What should we do , ask Pezzie someone is clearly living here , do you think they are nice
 - I don't know , he answered, but we don't really have a choice ,just in case grab a handgun and hide it
She nodded. He saw the fear in her eyes ,

Listen its just for safety, we have loads to trade, worst case we will trade your ravioli, he said smiling

She laugh and nodded , they walk the step to the door and knock . once than twice an old man answered ,he was in his late sixty

Hello there , said the man , offering his hand for a handshake  

      -Hi ,im Jebadaiah and this is Pezzie , answered Jeb shaking the man hand,  we need some gaz and how willing to trade 

       - Come in , come in, im cooking  , said the man , I would love the company
Pezzie was against the idea ,sure the man seemed nice but they didn't know him , also the house could be full of bad guys and he was the bait, she looked at Jebedaiah who look back and wink tapping , his lower back , she knew he had a gun hidden there. They entered the house , the first thing that she notice were the silence , it was heavy , this old man was alone , that was certain, the second was all the pictures on the wall.

I hope you like veal ,the man said , man I tell you we are gonna have a feast , i cant wait

Jebedaiah smiled an nod but with his arm ,he grabbed Pezzie pulling her closer ,he was worried , too she understood

What was it that you said you needed , said the man,

A bit of gaz , whatever you can spare , answered Jeb

The man beckoned Pezzie , he gave her some ustensils giving  her a gentle push with a smile , did he wanted for her to setup the table  .Minute later ,the food was serve , Pezzie had to admit , she didn't remember the last meal she had eaten a home cooked meal.
-Do you Guys mind , if I do the blessing ,ask the man
- No please,  this is your house, we would love for you to do the honnor , answered Jeb
They hold hand as the man started to speak

Dear lord , thank you for the meal we are about to eat , thank you for bringing these strangers to my home , god knows its been lonely ,without the kids around , thank you for this blessing thank you for giving me some company

The three of them said amen ,the man was very interested by their stories , he kept asking question, he was smiling and laughing a lot .She could have been wrong at along , he  could be a good person, him  and Jeb were strangely similar

What about you sir , do you have a story. Ask Pezzie

Her question was followed by a moment of silence , she feared she had said something wrong when finally.

I think I have a pretty good one ,he said , you saw the picture in the hall coming in the kitchen ,that's my son Ryan, he sadly  turned , when the whole virus started ,he was one of the first , the crazy thing was the day before the outbreak , before the media heard of it , Ryan came to me and said that his girlfriend had bitten him i remember thinking how odd it was , she was so sweet normally , now his girlfriend was doing clinical trial . My son was one of the first cases , yet it was weird , hed recognize me , I could tell he was infected , however he wouldn't attack , he seemed in pain .

You think  all this is related to those clinical trial , asked Pezzie

Ah who knows said the old man,

The three of them finished eating , she was now certian, he was a good man . They went to sleep Jebedaiah even slept , in her  room making sure nothing happened . The next morning they were woken up by the old man , breakfast was served , they ate and to their surprise , the old man offered them plastic bag ,filled to the brink with canned fruit and pickled vegetable , what a generous gift  . They exchanged goodbye,Pezzie  hugged the man , she felt sad that he was once again alone .

My story is now yours to tell, he told ,Jebedaiah

They were back on the road , with fuel and Pezzie had to say those canned fruit were like liquid gold.
   -Is it really the government fault, were they related to the clinical trial , was Rickart right after all ask Pezzie
 - I don't know Pumpkin , I don't know ,said  Jebeaiah

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