chapter 12

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Chapter 12 Pezzie

Pezzie  had always knew happiness , her mom Charlene was the sweetest person and made sure everyday  that Pezzie was okay , her dad Ridge wasnt home often due to his military  job but he would call everyday when possible , he was a kind man . She was from a good neighborhood  a small one where everyone  was waving at each other , she would make sure she waved at everyone  when she walked her dog. Even school was going  well, she had good grade , a passionate  teacher and a bunch of friend in her class . Yep even at the age of thirteen  , she knew she had a good life , she was thankful for everything she had   . She knew her mom had it rough  , she guessed  it was hard  being a army wife, it  was rough, she was old enough to pull her own weight  , she was doing everything  she could , dishes , her bed anything to help . She was at school when the tv first talked  about the outbreak . A couple of senior at high school  were talking about it ,she thought it was a hazing process  .But then a second case , came and a third one , she was getting worried  more and more .She would have told her mom , but she knew she had so much on her plate already , a couple of week went by no news ,no news at all which was odd to Pezzie .
- No news ,means good news , she said hopeful
She had to be hopeful, her father was coming back in eight days and  thing would get  better . She was eating dinner alone and feeling lonely  she decided to open the tv , it was the news, an urgent report , there was a number of cases  in the city , people who were attacking  each other , people who were  infected that were overly aggressive and dangerous  , she was getting  scared she switch channel but it was on every single  channel .Then she heard the doorknob  turn , her heart jump
- Hi dear , i've brought  you pizza .
It was her mom she sight in release , she quickly  close the tv maybe her mom didnt know yet, she didnt want her to know hoping to protect her  , she had a hard time finding sleep she was scared, so scared and only her dad being back would reassure her  .
- Seven days , she said in the dark ,  seven days i can do it  .
As she went to school , they were men in big white hazmat suit with a mask to breath , they took her and shine a flashlight in her eyes , it hurted but didnt  last long , they were told to stay in the gymnasium. Was the whole school told this ? Why we're  theyre so little people they were only  a couple  of hundred  out of a thousand  . She heard whisper  of people being taken away , her mom came to get her from school , saying
- Its okay sweetie , we are gonna have  a girl talk.
As they arrived home , she saw  giant boxes of food after giants box of food, why did they need so much .
-Whats going on mom , asked Pezzie
-Its complicated  , I need you to promise me two thing , do not open the door to anyone and do not go outside .said her mom
- Okay mom , simply said Pezzie. Is dad still coming 
Her mother smiled and nod , they had her favorite meal that night a delicious  chicken parm , it help her relax a bit , it was so nice that evening , her mom had put music,   they dance happily after  , she couldnt remember  the last time she enjoyed herself that much . She went to sleep that night, smiling thinking , six more days . The next day a man had come , he had installed  wooden board  on theyre windows inside and out , when she had asked her mom why.
-Dont you think your already tan enough, little tapdole think of the fortune we will make saving on solar cream ,had been the answer.
She knew her mom was only trying to be reassuring  , Pezzie was smart , smarter than her age , she had guessed  that the infected number were growing , that a lockdown was a probability . She understood  that food would get scarced and that the people would steal in chaos . She knew exactly  what her mom was doing, she had stockpile and was protecting  the good they had  , they hugged and she felt her mother soft hand caress her hair . They were gonna make it , Pezzie thought,  they would survive , five more days and her dad would be there . The fourth day had been peaceful they spent the day watching old dvd of disney movie , she was too old for that but if it made her mom happy why not theyre was three days left what could possibly  happen .The next  day had broke Pezzie heart , the man didnt do a great job in the attic , there was a hole just big enough to peak trough on a board , she made sure her mom was  sleeping and she went to go take a peak she was seeing people steal , a car was burning  , people fighting, all society , all rule had seem to stop existing . She had seen a women being bitten almost eaten  by another person , they had fallen to the ground before the bitter was killed by another man . The man had tried helping the women , but she had bitten him , how was that possible  , that women was suppose to be dead. Was that how people were infected ? Through being bitten?  She was safe at least they could wait for her father , there was only two days left . That night she had ,heard people screaming begging for help, she felt like a bad person, not helping them , she wanted to desperately,  they had food for a couple of week  and could maybe get two or three more people and still be safe , but she had promise  her mother . She woke up to growl and thump ,  she ran to the attic to look outside the street was full of people walking strangely most of them were covered in blood . They scared her , her dad was coming the next day  , but she now understood  that going outside  wasnt safe anymore , the world  had reached  the point  of no return , life would change forever and even though her dad would protect  them , but even with his military background he couldnt possibly change that .  She went downstairs  to eat and saw her mom arguing on the phone
- What do you mean , hes not coming , she said  , yes I do understand  the importance  of the bigger city but he has a family and we need him too .
She hung up , right away Pezzie knew her father wasnt coming , she saw that  her mom start crying, she came  to hug her .
- Its okay mom ,  we have food and water , plus we are safe , I have been observing  them , I don't think they can open door or force ours thanks to the work we did .
Her mom looked at her mouth  wide open, shocked  .
- You knew , of course you knew you are smart ,said her mom they broke the hug and watch a couple comedy  before heading to bed . The growling at night persisted   she was getting use to it, no what kept her up was that her father wasnt coming the next day , her only hope now gone. She woke up , but didnt leave bed  because she felt sad , her mom came to get her hours later and hugged her , Pezzie followed her in the kitchen , her mom flicked the switch  of the light, but nothing , she tried once more ,still nothing. Pezzie knew electricity  would end in this apocalypse  she just didnt expect it to be that quick , it was fine , they had ton on food that could be eaten cold and tons of desert she thought, trying to be positive.
Beside they had tons of table game to keep themselves entertained ,  they played a game of monopoly  that lasted the whole afternoon . A sudden  very hard knock came at the door , Pezzie mom hold her tighly , but the voice that was screaming to open the door was familiar , Pezzie eye watered , it couldnt be , she ran to the attic and saw an army vehicule  parked in the driveway her father was there . She ran and open the door , a group of man came in ,four to be exact they were armed , she recognized  her father and jump in his arms
- Hey pipsqueak he said , man fortify the door we are setting up camp here 
Her parents kissed , everything was back to normal , there was another good news , her uncle Tye he was her dad bestfriend and they been to war together  as far as she could remembered  , Tye was a good man , her mom once told her she had thought Tye was flirting with her and she had hated him since they met , until Tye brought his boyfriend  home , that had made Pezzie laugh and thats how he had  become her uncle . They spend the night listening  to her father stories , he had been deployed  in a near city , but Ridge had convince his squad  to do a quick stop by , he had joke that they all  had resisted  till he mention free food , she didnt know the two other guy  they seemed nice enough thankfully ,   after the diner was done her father told everyone   to rest as theyd be leaving early morning . The next morning they waited till everyone  was ready ,filled  the car with  provisions  and left , they wanted to hit the big city , Pezzie was relieve that they left the house . The house was safe  yes ,but would have been a target sooner than later .The road was safer , harder but safer ,they arrived at the big city that afternoon . But it was as Pezzie had expected  , the city was chaos , she could hear the growl, gunshot  , screams . Her father was speechless  , her mom sobbing , things seemed to be hopeless
- We are leaving its too late ,said Ridge
One of the younger soldier said
- But sir , we have our orders  and this is the future of mankind, as they run toward the middle of the city
- Then mankind is lost  ,said her father

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