Chapter 3

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            Lindsey turned off her engine and got out of her car. She was still feeling mad at herself. She unlocked her door and went in, closing the door behind her. She walked upstairs to her room and looked into a mirror. Damn Michael for splitting her lip. She changed into her work out shorts and a tank top. She grabbed her iPod and ear buds so that she could listen to music. Working out always helped get her head back in the right place. She needed to get his words out of her mind. What did she ever see in the man? She had been so in love when they were dating. He hid his true self well. Love. Did it even truly exist? She didn't think so. She loved her job and her two best friends. She really needed to get out of her head right now. She grabbed her stuff, locked the door and walked down the sidewalk that led to the fitness center.

           Adam drove into his parking spot in front of his place right after she left. He kept thinking about what he had been told. As he was getting out of his car, Austin and Chance pulled into a spot on the other side of Lindsey's car. Chance saw him and waved.

           Chance got out of the car and looked over at Lindsey's place. He noted that the lights were off inside because the curtains were still open. "She is already gone, Austin. I bet you $20 that she is working out on a treadmill, listening to one of her classic rock playlists. Probably Eye of the Tiger since people consider it a workout song after watching Rocky."

        "I ain't betting you. She does that every time something is bothering her. I'm going inside to call Oleana. I'm trying to get her to come up for a visit. Hey, Adam, we'll see you tomorrow at the station. Once in awhile, we carpool, depending on if we have assignments together."

         "Ok, I'll see you there. Thanks again for the beers, Chance."

         "No problem. You earned them."  Adam watched them go inside as he unlocked his door and went in. He shut his curtains and went to change into his workout clothes. He liked to workout whenever he could. It helped him to sleep at night sometimes, especially after a long day. He didn't know what to think of his three neighbors. Austin and Chance seemed pretty cool. Lindsey seemed like she was waiting for someone to challenge the fact that she was a female detective. He understood some of her attitude earlier a little better after his talk with the guys. He put his ear buds in after he locked his door back up and walked to the gym. There were a few people there. Most he recognized from this morning. Man, they weren't kidding when they said that a lot of cops lived in this complex. He wondered somewhat if that had been planned a little. It sure seemed like it. He looked around the gym and saw Lindsey running on a treadmill. He decided to start out with some weights while he observed her a little. She looked focused. Just looking straight ahead as she ran.  She wasn't  what you would expect a female cop to look like. For one thing, she was short. If he had to guess, he'd say about five foot two. She did look athletic but not like female wrestler athletic. More like the way celebrities keep in shape. She was curvy and looked to be in her mid thirties maybe. Her hair was short and reddish blonde. She was also very tan. Probably liked being outdoors a lot if she was tan like that. He hadn't noticed that someone else had come to lift weights also until he heard a deep voice next to him.

         "So, I see that our newest member of the force is also a resident here like the rest of us." Adam looked over and saw the police chief sitting there looking at him. "I noticed that you like to observe everything when you walk into a room. That's good. Powers of observation are needed on this job. Do you like to work out a lot?"

        "I try to at least twice a day. In the mornings, if I can and at night before I go to bed. It always relaxes me if I had a stressful day."

        "That's what we all do here. Even Lindsey over there. She has been running on that treadmill for over twenty minutes, just staring straight ahead. Something must have happened today to make her focus like that. And I saw her split lip." Tim noticed how Adam was observing her when he came in. Kind of like he was trying to figure something out. "You wouldn't by chance know what happened, would you?"

        Adam turned and looked at his boss. "I went into a pub at the shopping center to eat and ran into her, Chance and Austin. The were playing darts and pool and having a couple of beers. They invited me over and got to talking. Some guy came in with his girlfriend and started harassing Lindsey. His name was Michael." He heard Tim's sharp intake of breath. "They had words, Austin and Chance told him to go back to his table. When he started walking back, they got back into their game when this Michael turned around and rushed her when she had her back turned, knocking her against the table. When he went at her again, I grabbed his arms, pinning him to the ground before arresting him for assaulting an off duty officer. He probably made bail already."

          "Shit, I can't believe that the son of a bitch is back in town. I wonder why. Well that explains her focused look. She is probably angry that she let him get the drop on her, with her being a trained officer. She probably didn't think he would do something like that with witnesses around. That was also quick thinking on your part. You will definitely be an asset to the team."

         "What team is that, sir?" 

         "You don't have to call me sir when off the clock. You will be joining Lindsey's team. There are few others that want to join their team but you have the best qualifications. She doesn't know it yet, so don't say anything." Tim watched as she got off of the treadmill and stretched before getting on one of the rowing machines. Tim and Adam got on the stationary bikes and continued talking. Every so often Adam would look over at Lindsey. She had moved over to the weights. He watched as she worked out her arms. Watch the muscles quiver as she lifted the weights. She still stared ahead. Listening to her music. Finally she stopped and drank some water. She sat down to cool down a little.

         Lindsey was starting to feel better. She looked around the room and was surprised when she saw Adam there on a treadmill talking to Tim. What was he doing here? She decided to walk over to them. "Hey, Chief. You're here a little late tonight."

         "So are you, Linds. Did you know that Adam now lives in this complex. He is your new next door neighbor. Try not to scare him off." Tim smirked as he got off of the treadmill. "See you at work tomorrow, Linds, Adam."

        "So, do you come to work out a lot?" He looked confused when she started laughing.

       "If that was a pick up line, that was the worst one I have heard." Adam got a little red. He didn't mean it as a pick up line, but when he replayed what he said in his mind, it sounded like one.

        "Sorry. I was only trying to strike up a conversation. I wasn't trying to pick up on you. I try to stay away from office romances. Not good for the work environment."

         "You sound like you've had experience with that."

       "None, actually. There weren't any women on our police force. I had a friend who dated a coworker. When things didn't work out, it made things hard at the work place. What about you?" They we're both on the treadmills, talking.

         "I stay away from romantic entanglements, period. I'm married to my job. That is it. End of story. It's getting late. I think I'm going to head home."

        "Want some company? I need to get up early and work out before going to work tomorrow."

       "I don't need a babysitter, Adam. If that is what you are trying to do, forget it." She walked out of the gym and he had to run to catch up to her.

        "I was only asking since we are going in the same direction. Man, you walk fast for somebody so short." She stopped and looked at him. By the look on her face, he could tell that he just messed up again.

          "Goodnight, Adam." She turned around again and went up the stairs to her door. He watched as she unlocked her door, went inside and slammed the door behind her.

         Adam walked into his place wondering where he went wrong. Every time he opened his mouth when talking to her, he always said the wrong thing.

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