Chapter 13

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                   Lindsey turned to face the bar while Adam stood next to her, watching the crowd. He saw Michael getting closer to them. He noticed Tim and his wife not far behind him. They tried to act like they were heading to the bar. Adam's eyes also noticed that the two men that tried to hold him back the other day were making their way around the room. He quietly alerted Chance and Austin to their locations. Each man was being watched by them.

           "Since when do you go to parties like this, Linds?" asked the unwelcome voice of Michael.

            "Since we got an invitation. What about you? You never cared for these kind of parties."

            "I'm thinking about running for city council. Some of the big names in Santa Rosa are here. I must say that you do look amazing. That color does look good on you. Though I prefer the black and blue look on you, too." Lindsey stiffened as he sat down on the stool next to her. "Tell me, Linds, have you fucked the whole police force yet?"

            "The name is Lindsey. Don't call me Linds. Only my friends can call me that." She felt Adam's arm slip around her waist as he moved closer to her. "Adam and I are just having a night out enjoying ourselves. Until you came along." She wasn't even going to answer the question he asked. "If I see your name on the ballot during the next election, I'll make sure to vote for the other person." She tried to stand up to walk off when Michael grabbed her arm again, forcing her back onto the seat.

          "We aren't through talking. Tell this bozo to take a hike. Let me buy you a drink. I'm sure that there are a lot of men here that want to buy you one." Michael was still trying to insinuate that she slept around. Adam had turned to order himself another drink and Michael took the opportunity to run his hand up her bare leg where the slit was. His hand was quickly grabbed in a bone crushing grip.

           "Do not, and I repeat, do not touch her again." Adam removed the hand forcefully. He went to stand in between the former spouses. "You ready to go find a table, babe?" He held his hand out to her and walked her over to an empty table. Leaving Michael to stare with his eyes narrowed. 

           "Nicely done, Adam." Came Tim's voice. "You got her out of there without creating a scene and still almost managed to break the bastard's hand."

           "I couldn't have done it better, myself," said Chance over the wires. He had been making sure that Michael hadn't followed them to their table.

         "I didn't want to draw attention to what he was try to do to her. She did great not reacting to his taunts. Anything up with his cronies?" Adam asked them.

         "Oleana bumped into one accidentally on purpose and spilt her drink on him. The look on his face was funny," Austin chimed in. "Then he looked like he was going to strike her until he saw me. I don't think that he recognized me from the other night, though."

          "I don't see the other one right now," Sami had said. "Sorry I lost him, guys."

         "Don't worry about it, Cuz. I'm sure he will pop up again. Did you hear that Michael is running for city council? Who would even vote for him?" Lindsey asked.

         "You got me there. Oh, I see our friend Ramon has struck up a conversation with Oleana at the bar. I thought she was with you, Austin." Chance had said.

          "She saw him go over there and figured she would have a better chance talking to him without her boyfriend there. Hey, looks like a deejay is setting up. You gonna dance, Linds?"

          "I haven't had enough to drink for that. The last time I tried to dance, you laughed your ass off at me, Austin."

             "That's because you were trying to dance to MC Hammer while you were drunk and fell over the furniture." Austin laughed at the memory. So did Chance. Lindsey just shook her head before looking at Adam and catching his grin.

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