Chapter 4

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            Lindsey walked into the briefing  room ahead of everyone else the next morning. She woke up in a bad mood. She hadn't meant to bite off Adam's head last night. She was still mad at her ex-husband. She sat there drinking her cup of coffee and looked up as her three neighbors walked into the room. Austin sat on her desk and helped himself to her coffee, then spit it out.

         "Damn, girl, want any coffee with that sugar?" Austin said. "That's a waste of good coffee putting that much sugar in it."

         Lindsey shoved him off of the desk, making him fall on his butt. She smiled as Chance laughed at Austin.

          "Warned you, buddy. She has been drinking her coffee like that for years." Chance said as others started filing into the room, followed by the chief.

         "Now if you are done making fun of Austin for trying to drink Lindsey's sugar, let's get to work. These are your new assignments. Adam, you will be joining Lindsey, Austin and Chance."

        Adam glanced at Lindsey to gauge her reaction. She didn't look as mad as she was last night. He let out a breath that he didn't know he had been holding. He turned his attention back to Chief Foust. 

         "Lindsey, your team is going to work trying find that drug dealer that has been eluding us. Here is the file on the case. The heads of the department are breathing down my neck on this one. There has been another death due to the bad batch of drugs he is selling. That file contains everything that we have for now. I want you to talk to one of the informants that hangs out by Rail Road Square. His picture is in there. The four of you may go. Remember to have each other's backs out there. I want a report before you go home tonight."

         "Sure thing, Chief," Lindsey said, throwing her empty cup in the waste basket. She picked up the file and walked to the room that she and her team used to go over cases. She threw the file onto the table as the three men came into the room. "I'm going to grab more coffee first, fellas." She headed to the break room to get some coffee. Adam followed her.

         "Lindsey, I wanted to apologize for yesterday." She put up her hand, stopping him.

        "I'm the one that needs to apologize. I was hoping that working out would get me out of my bad mood and it hadn't. I took it out on you instead. I am sorry for that. Truce?" She held out her hand and he shook it.

        "Truce." He watched as she poured a lot of sugar into her coffee. Shaking his head, he followed her back to the other room. Chance and Austin were already going through the file they had been given. Lindsey shut the door and sat down at the table, taking a sip of her coffee, making Adam grimace when he remembered how much sugar went into her coffee. Austin noticed the grimace.

        "You must have seen how much sugar she puts in her coffee by the look that came on your face when she took a sip." Lindsey hit Austin on the back of his head.

         "So, what do we have?" She asked.

         "The informant is a man named Jimmie Hendrix. Here is a picture of him." Chance passed around the picture. "It says that he has been avoiding the police lately, not wanting to talk. How do you want to approach this, Linds?"

          "I say we park the car close to the mall and walk to the square. A lot of the local druggies hang out near the train station. We'll walk in pairs, looking like the tourists that hang out there. Make sure our weapons are hidden under our clothes."

          "That sounds good," Adam said. "What if he decides to run? There may be a lot of people in that area."

           "He will most likely try to run. That is why two of us will go in one direction and the other two will come from the other direction." Chance had told him. "Hopefully he will tell us something useful. We need to nail this guy. This batch of meth is killing people. If it is sold to any kids, well, I don't even want to think about it."

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