Chapter 15

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            Lindsey woke up the next morning feeling like a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. She was still wrapped protectively in his arms. They haven't even known each other for a whole week and he knew more about her than most people who had known her for a long time. She then frowned for a second. Maybe Michael was right about her. Seeing how she was already sleeping with this man after knowing him for such a short time. No. She wasn't going to go there. There was just something about Adam that drew her in. His easygoing personality, the way that he listened to her without judging her. The way his hands felt on her. My lord, the man was a magician with those hands of his. And let's not get started on that sensual mouth of his. She smiled at the memory of what he can do with that mouth. She had to get up to use the bathroom. After doing her business, she put on a small silk robe that she had and went downstairs to make some coffee and some breakfast. She put on her Bad Company Live cd quietly and listened to the music as she started making some pancakes, scrambled eggs and sausage.

              Adam woke up to an empty bed. He needed to use the bathroom. After he finished up in the bathroom he was able to smell the sausage cooking. He put on his boxers and walked quietly down the stairs. He could hear her singing to the start of Rock and a Roll Fantasy. As he peeked around the the corner of the kitchen, he saw her rocking out as she cooked. Shaking her butt as she danced. When the song was over he clapped, causing her to jump a little.

         "You can really shake that cute butt pretty good." He came up behind her and circled his arms around her waist. He then kissed her cheek before popping her on the butt.

           "The coffee is ready if you would like some. The cups are in that cupboard," she says pointing to the cupboard. "Breakfast is almost ready. I hope that you are hungry."

          "Starved. It smells good." He also got out two plates for them. He found the silverware and took that out as well. He watched as she fixed her coffee. This time she added a little whiskey in it. He still couldn't believe how much sugar she put in it. She put all the food on the table and they sat down. He was too busy looking at her in the robe that he wasn't paying attention to which coffee cup he had picked up. When he took a sip, he coughed and choked. "My god, Lindsey. Austin was right. Would you like any coffee with that sugar? How can you drink that?" He was still coughing from all the sugar. She started cracking up.

           "It helps me wake up in the mornings. I like my sugar. Coffee is too bitter without it." She picked up her fork and started eating.

             "You are in a better mood this morning." Adam observed. 

            "I feel a lot better after opening up to you last night. Other than the two clowns next door, Tim , Oleana and Sami, you are the only other person that knows. I did start letting my mind go someplace when I first woke up but I stopped myself from that thought."

         "What thought would that be, may I ask?" He watched as she shrugged slightly.

         "I started to think that maybe Michael was right about something. We have only known each other not even a full week yet and here I am already sleeping with you. Doesn't that make what he said true?" She looked at him with tears starting to form in her eyes. He set his fork down and got up from his chair to kneel down in front of her.

           "Lindsey, none of what he said is true. I felt an attraction to you when we first met. There is no rule that tells people when they can feel that attraction. It is more than a physical attraction for me. I would love for this to be something long term. Just because a woman is attracted to a man and has needs also, doesn't make her a slut. A slut has sex with as many men as possible. You are not like that."

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