Chapter 9

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             Lindsey drove back to the station in silence. She wasn't sure what to make of the note. They needed to talk to Tim. She found him in his office after she grabbed another cup of coffee. She knocked on his door. 

        "Come in." He watched as Lindsey and her team came in. "So, what happened?"

       "It was Jimmy. Stabbed twenty times. He had this note on him." She handed him the note and watched him read it over. His brows went up in alarm. "By the way, our plan last night went south. Michael showed up and started harassing me. I had to tell him that I was on a date. Then Adam came in and acted like my date." She heard Austin snicker behind her.

         "Austin, this is a very serious situation here. I don't see what is so funny."

        "You would have if you had seen  Adam kiss her right in front Michael." Tim's eyebrows went up again as he looked at Lindsey and Adam. She began to fidget a little and wouldn't look him in the eyes. Hmm. "Anyways, when they tried to leave, Michael threw her against a wall and tore her dress open as two goons grabbed Adam. Chance and I ran out there with our weapons drawn and got them out of there. I really wanted popcorn when I saw they display they were putting on in the bar. I thought that the bar was going to go up in flames. It was that hot." This had earned a real hard smack upside his head from Lindsey.

         "Lindsey, you need to take this threat seriously. The Cold One could be anybody. Do not, and I repeat, do not let your guard down. We don't know if anyone is watching when you leave here. Now, go home and try to get some sleep. You all look like hell." He dismissed them out of his office. He thought to himself about what Austin had said. Why the sudden interest from Michael O'Hare? Was he the only reason Adam had been prompted to kiss Lindsey? He wondered if the two were going to pretend to be a couple around him. That wasn't a bad idea. Adam was new to the area. People wouldn't automatically know that he was a cop. They could go undercover together as a couple. It would be interesting to see how one Detective O'Hare handled it. Lindsey hadn't shown an interest in any man since she split from Michael. He would watch them closely. If anyone would treat her right, he felt that Adam would. He was actually impressed with the way Adam had stood up to Michael already.

          Lindsey had arrived at their complex. She was all of a sudden feeling very drained. It had been a very long night and not a very good morning. All four of them were feeling tired as they got out of her car.

           "Linds, if you need anything, we are here for you. We will figure out a way to handle this threat together. We are cops. It's our job to go after the bad guys. It's what we do." Chance had told her before he and Austin went into their place to go back to sleep.

          Lindsey turned to go up her stairs when Adam stopped her. "If you need someone to talk to, I'm right next door," he said before turning to walk up his steps. She looked to make sure that her other neighbors weren't looking out their window. Before she could change her mind, she stopped him before he opened his door.

            "Adam, wait. I'm going to leave the sliding door open on my deck, in case you feel like hopping the rail again." She blushed a little before she ran inside and locked the door behind her. She wasn't sure why she just said that but she went and opened the sliding door in her living room. Maybe she just didn't feel like being alone after getting that note. Threats have been made in the past. Against all three of them, even. What was it about this one that bothered her. She didn't have the patience for Austin right now. She wanted to be around someone calm, like Adam or Chance. However, Austin always followed Chance, and she was secretly hoping to spend more time with Adam. She decided to take a quick shower. Maybe it would help ease the look of tiredness in her body.

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