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We swung through a window, crashing onto the floor of some nameless skyscraper.

Tiny glass shards burst around us, one catching me in the shoulder. I cried out in surprise, the pain coming later.

Batman grunted as we hit the floor, the air leaving our lungs in a gasp. Much too soon he sat up and I tried to slide off of him to make room, but his arm caught my waist and kept me in his lap. 

“There’s glass everywhere.” His voice was gruff and grave. Kinda horse.

Then again he just got the wind knocked out of him.

He swiftly stood up, holding me bridle style, and I wrapped my arms around his neck to hold me steady.

While he walked out of the room and down the hallway to the elevator, the only thing I could think about was how comforting he was.

The trauma of what just happened was swept away with his embrace, the only thing I felt was warm comforting safety.

I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes. 

I was just starting to doze off when a gentle wind hit my face. Somehow I found myself on the ground with Batman face to face with me.

He held my cheeks in his strong hands, holding my head up. I felt so heavy, and my mind was all foggy. Probably from getting hit in the face so much.

God, I probably look like a mess.

This is so embarrassing!

Someone came up behind him, a man undoubtedly younger than me (if the way he carried himself was any indication). Confident but small and childlike. He had shaggy black hair and a mask covering half of his face. He wore a black and blue suit with a bird on his chest.

I focused on the bird more than necessary but my mind felt like a shattered mirror.

There was a pull on my head and I snapped my attention back to Batman. 

I rolled my head to the side and felt the world slipping from me, finally taking in everything that’s happened.

Alice was my only friend here in Gotham, and now I have no one. But what did I expect in a city like this? My only friend was a serial robber, and I was nothing but a means for her to kill time.

My arm throbbed, a steady thrum with each heartbeat. My body’s so sore, and Alice punched me in the tit.

Damn Whore.

I had cut wrists and sore muscles, the flesh bruised and bitten. I noticed the bite marks when Batman carried me out of the building. 

Fucking bitch bit me!

Hands pulled me forward and then I was being lifted off the ground. Once again I found myself surrounded by Batman’s warmth, and all I could think was that I was finally safe, and Eilis wouldn’t be an orphan. 

I woke up to beeping. It hit my ears like a hammer and left them ringing. Lifting my hand I palmed my forehead and groaned in pain.

Grimacing, I let out a whine and slowly sat up. Nausea wrecked my body and I swallowed down some bile. 

“Oh, you’re awake. Good.”

A female voice caused me to snap my eyes open and a blinding white light made me clamp them shut.

Cursing I tried to get my eyes to adjust. The clicking of heels boomed throughout the room and panic washed over me.

As the beeping got louder, memories washed over me.

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