Burn It Down

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“Lois!” I called out to her, rushing up the steps of the entrance. “I’m glad I caught one of you!” 

“(Y/N)? When did you get to the city?” 

“Just last night.” Lois and I clambered up to her apartment, the wheels of my suitcase squeaking with each step. “Sorry I didn’t call, it was a bit spur of the moment.” 

“It’s not a problem,” Lois fished out her keys, but paused before unlocking the door, “are you sure you’re okay?” 

“Of course,” her worry made a small smile tug at my lips, “it’s just been a rough trip.” Lois nodded before pushing in the door. 

“Eilis, someone’s here to see you!” She called out with a wide smile and large, excited eyes. 

“Auntie Lois, it’s not like I…” Eilis rounded the corner, stopping in his tracks for a moment before springing forward. I held my arms out and rushed to him, tears already falling from my eyes. 

“(Y/N)!” Eilis held onto me tighter than he ever has before. “Please don’t leave me again,” he whispered. 

“I won’t.” Pulling back to squeeze his cheeks between my palms, I looked him over. “Have you been taking care of yourself?” He nodded as he pulled me in for another hug. 

“This is perfect, I’m going to make my special dinner surprise tonight to celebrate! Oh, Clark’s gonna be so happy that you two are reunited! You know he’s been so worried about you.” Lois was almost running around as she tidied up the space. I gave a watery laugh and wiped my eyes. 

“Thank you, Lois.” Clark came home shortly after, planting a kiss on my forehead as a greeting. Throughout the evening, I didn’t worry about super villains or Batman or Vandal. All I cared about was Eilis and helping Lois make the perfect dinner. 

“This is wonderful,” I exclaimed between mouthfuls. Lois giggled as she passed me a napkin. She had perfected a pasta dish, full of penne noodles, cheese, and cream. 

“(Y/N), when are we going back to Gotham?” Eilis’s question abruptly cut the sweet air around the table. Putting down my fork as I wiped my face, I refused to meet his eyes. 

“We’re not. You’ll continue going to school here and I’ll find us a lovely house. Hopefully close,” I glanced at Clark and Lois with a light smile. Still, it was tense. 

“But you said when you come back for me, Gotham will be safe. That I’ll go back.” 

“I know baby, but things aren’t that simple. My time in Gotham didn’t have your best interests in mind. It’s better here, the villains are nicer, and the streets are safer. Gotham has trash piling across the sidewalks, constant crime, and corrupted police,” I shook my head at all that was wrong with that city. 

“But what about Bruce and Damian? My school? It’s our home!” Eilis shot from his seat, the chair legs scraping across the floor like a scream. “How can we just leave? You promised we’d be back!” 

“Eilis please, this isn’t easy for me either. But my decision is made. We’ll stay here, where it’s safe.” 

“You’re a fucking liar!” 

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