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Bruce waited on his bike, a famous smirk firmly in place.

I glanced back at the house, watching as a shadow dipped behind it. 

“Everything okay?” Bruce wasn’t smiling anymore, instead, his eyes were scanning the area around us. 

“I’m fine.”

I sent him my best half-smile, but it came out too forced to put him at ease.

“What’s with the bike?” 

“I wanted to change it up a bit. Scared?” He reached out, plopping a helmet into my hands.

Snorting, I pulled it on and clipped the strap in place. It was a bit stuffy and I had to move my hair out of my face. 

“Me? Bruce, you have no idea who I am. A little bike’s not gonna scare me off.”

With a smirk I climbed up onto the back, thighs squeezing his hips until I’m situated.

Bruce turned enough to look at me, eyes darting around my face until he seemed satisfied.

He put his helmet on and I followed his lead as he readied himself to ride off. Flicking the eye shield down, I leaned forward to curl my arms around his waist. The heat of his body warmed me from the frosty air.

I looked back at the house as Bruce pulled off the shoulder. Bruce raced down the street, weaving around cars with ease.

I wish I could have enjoyed it, but I was plagued with guilt. Eilis didn’t deserve this and I know I’m not being the best mother, hell not even a good one.

But I can’t let this go and I can’t let Eilis get hurt because of me. Clark would take care of him and Bruce will ensure that his school board leaves him alone. 

He would do that for me, right?

What am I going to do if he doesn’t?

Mrs. Kent would be flashing me her disappointed eyes by this point, and that made me feel even worse.

I deserve to feel like shit, if I could just let go of my mother’s case, then none of this would be happening.

But I made a vow to her and I’ve come too far to stop now.

I was thrown back into the present as Bruce pulled up to a curb.

Trees towered over us, bare now that all the leaves had fallen. Frost was settling over the grass, the first signs of winter. 
“(Y/N)?” Bruce cocked his head, fingers brushing over my elbow. 

“A park isn’t what I expected.”

I laughed out the words with forced puffs of air. 

“I’m full of surprises.” Bruce smirked at me, something flashing in those pretty blue eyes.

“Come on.” He held out his arm and I took it as he led me down the path.

Dead leaves crunched below our feet and I listened for the scarcity of critters. 

“Where are you taking me?”

I examined his profile. The strong bridge of his nose, wind-bitten his cheeks, and the pink on his lips. 

Does Selina kiss him? Does Bruce kiss like Batman?

Thoughts of the way
Bruce makes love plague my head, distracting me from a tree root. 

“Careful.” He chuckled, pulling me close to his chest.

I felt my cheeks heat but I ignored it in favor of pulling away. 

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