Mother Of The Abandoned

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I woke up in the middle of the night with the worst case of nausea.

It was cold in my room, having kicked off my blankets and left the window open.

Snapping up, I crawled out of the bed, fighting with the sheets as I went.

I landed on the floor with a thump, but I hardly acknowledged how it agitated my ribs, too busy running to the bathroom.

Practically throwing myself onto the floor and ripping the toilet seat up, I expelled my last meal from my stomach. 
“Are you okay Miss (L/N)?” Damian appeared in the doorway, and I jumped off the floor when he spoke. 
“Mother of God! You scared me!” 
“Sorry.” He said, still standing in the doorway.

I shook my head, gently closing the lid and flushing. 
“I’m okay, sorry for waking you.” I wiped my mouth, pulling out the mouthwash. 
“People don’t throw up unless something is wrong. The doctors never mentioned anything causing you to vomit.”

Damian stayed perfectly still as if he was just waiting for the right moment to run, but his eyes were sharp. 

“It’s nothing serious, go back to bed. Oh, and make sure your brother didn’t kick off his blanket on your way back. It’s cold out.”

I looked back at the mouthwash with disdain.

Bottoms up…

Glaring at the liquid I knocked it back and whooshed it around my mouth.
Taking a moment before spitting it out and trying to rinse the burn away.

Standing back up I almost dropped the bottle, whisking around to see Damian still standing in the doorway.

“Sorry,” he said and I raised an eyebrow at him.

“I wanted to make sure you got back to bed okay.”

He stepped back, looking down the hallway and towards my room.

Rolling my eyes I headed out and let him lead me to bed. 

“Thanks, now off to bed with you. I don’t want your father upset.” 

“He would never be upset over something as mundane as taking care of the ill.” 

“Gee, thanks.”

Shaking my head I walked into my room and waited for him to leave. He didn't.

Instead, he headed for my open window, looked out of it, and then closed it.

He made quick work of clicking the locks and checking how well they held up against pressure.

Finally, he backed off, bidding me good night one more time before disappearing into the dark hallway. 

Damn, that was creepy as shit.

Attempting to ignore the weird way he’s just ghosted through my home, I headed for the bed.

It wasn’t until I was all bundled up, that I had a sudden and irresistible urge to check on Dick.

My gut was telling me something, and it was being awfully pushy about it. 

Groaning, I got up and paddled to the living room.

I tried to walk as quietly as I could so that I wouldn’t wake Damian again.

He’s creepy in the middle of the night.

Peaking my head around the corner, I looked for Dick’s silhouette.

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