Fucking Gotham

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“You’re quite the popular lady.”

Red Hood looked down at Eric's limp body, and while I couldn't see his face, his shoulders rose in arrogance.

Walking up to me with a confident stride, he brought his hands up to cup the back of my head and the side of my face.

I flinched back, but he didn't acknowledge it as he tilted my head and pulled me closer.

"You'll be fine, now-" 

There was a crash, glass flying everywhere, and a gust of wind.

Batman had Red Hood pinned to the wall, his hands gripping Red Hood's jacket.

"Stop!" I screamed, rushing forward and pulling on Batman's cape.

"Stop! Please!"

Batman looked down at me, a frown on his lips as he slowly released him. 

"Relax, Bats. I didn't hurt her."

Red Hood shook himself off, fixing his jacket. 

"What happened?" Batman's gravelly voice seemed strained as he looked around.

I shook my head, everything was spinning and making me nauseous so I opted to sit down. 

"Why are you two even here?"

I know I should be grateful, but I'm getting real sick of this shit.

I guess that's what I get for moving to Gotham, compared to that saint city Metropolis, this place is the devil’s playground.

The two stayed quiet, seeming to have a silent war with each other.

Sighing, I looked at Eric's body.

"Batman, he said that Alice sent him. You remember, right?" 


"Do you also...do you remember saving me a few years back?"

I looked up at him hopefully, but he didn't respond. Sighing, I forced a smile.

"It's okay, you save people everyday, I shouldn't expect you to remember a single incident from years ago." 


"I moved around a lot when I was younger, and that didn't change much after high school. But I was in Gotham once before, visiting my mother..."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I thought about her.

"The more I'm here the closer to her I feel, but also...the more I'm reminded of that night." 

"Look lady-" Red Hood began to speak, but he was silenced with a look from Batman.  

"It was reported a suicide, but my mother was murdered, and I want your help to find the man that did it. You saved me from him once before, but he got away. I want you to help me catch him this time." 

"I'm sorry."

Batman still didn't move, and his words hung in the air.

"You didn't know, he ran off when he saw you. You were so focused on my mother that you didn't see him, and that's okay. Your presence stopped him from killing me, and now I need you once more. Please, help me get my mother the justice she deserves."

There was a long stretch of silence, and I feared he was going to let me down. Hanging my head down, I slumped my shoulders.

Of course, he wasn’t going to help, why would he?

This is something the GCPD should be taking care of, but like Alice, the crime that took my mother’s life went unnoticed. 

I’m such a fucking idiot, thinking that someone as busy as the freaking Batman would have the time to make a decade-old case his priority.

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