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Walking into the Batcave, I waited for Bruce to stop training with Eilis. Their spar came to an end, with Eilis leaning on his knees and panting. He drank some water before running off for a shower, not before patting my shoulder on the way. 

“Hmm, maybe you should start teaching me?” I snickered, watching as Bruce wiped his face with a towel. He let out a chuffed laugh, one that had me grinning as I went to wrap my arms around his waist. “Come on, don’t you want to pin me down?” I nipped at his ear, delighted when it turned red. 

“Don’t tease me (Y/N),” Bruce warned, his fingers curling around my hands. 

“Or what?” The next thing I knew I was flat on my back. Bruce was grinning like a madman, and it still boggles my mind that he only smiles like that for me. Heat begins to pool in my stomach, and I squeeze my legs together to relieve it. 
“That was mean,” I whined, taking the hand offered to me. Then I shifted around and slammed Bruce to the mat. He huffed another laugh, a deep rumble from within his chest. Looking up at me from his place on the mat, Bruce’s eyes smoldered. “I think we should go to the room.” Bruce was up in an instant, urging me out of the cave and down the halls till we reached the master bedroom. As soon as the door was clicked shut I found myself on the bed, Bruce leaning over me with the prettiest expression. He looked so damn needy. 

“Bruce,” I whispered as I reached up to stroke his cheek before pulling him down into a deep kiss. “I love you,” I said against his lips before flipping us over. “Now remove that fucking shirt.” He was quick to oblige, and I followed suit. I trailed my hands down his chest, admiring the cut muscles and scars equally.  I kissed each scar that dragged across his porcelain skin. With a smirk, I licked at his nipples.

“(Y/N),” he gruffed out, tugging at my hair as he sat up. He kissed me, all soft and loving before he was pulling me close and devoured my lips. I couldn’t help but moan into it, running my fingers through his dark locks and marveling at how soft it is. I found myself on my back once more, Bruce trailing burning kisses down my neck before reaching my breasts. “Fuck, I love you,” he said as he unclasped my bra and threw it to the side. His slender fingers dragged along my skin, and I groaned as he roughly grabbed my breast, needing the tissue. Then he mouthed at my nipple, the other one being squeezed playfully. I cradled his head, thighs squeezing his hips. 

“Bruce,” I moaned as he brought his mouth lower. He tugged at my pants, practically ripping them off with a growl. My panties were gone in a flash. 

“So pretty.” He said, breathing over my lips. I couldn’t help the shudder. 

“Come on,” I begged, needy and desperate for him to touch me. Without another word he dived in, lapping at my pussy. His tongue teased the rim of my vagina before slipping in and sending me to heaven. I couldn’t help but pull at his hair, the groans and growls he made making me throw my head back. “Fuck.” 
Bruce then added a finger, teasing me till I was open for him.

“You’re so fucking wet (Y/N). My pretty little (Y/N),” with a moan Bruce nipped at my inner thigh. 

“I’m ready, come on I want it so fucking bad.” Bruce chuckled as he climbed back up, positioning himself. I felt the tip of his cock nudge at my hole, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. Bruce slid in gently, rocking his hips patiently while I adjusted. He kissed my hairline, whispering sweet nothings. I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck. Bruce bit just under my jaw as he began to speed up, powerful thrusts beginning to shake the bed. He reached down to cup my breasts again as he pushed into me again and again. 

“So pretty,” he groaned into my ear, “so perfect for me.” 

“Bruce!” I called out as he hit that perfect spot. He sat up, still thrusting into me as he began to play with my clit. Rubbing slow little circles that drove me insane. My climax shot over me, making me tense before going limp. Bruce paused, breathing heavily as he leaned down to give me a deep kiss. Then he pulled out to flip me over before shoving back in. I gasped as he slammed his hips into my ass. My chest pushed into the bed as Bruce reached for my wrists, pulling my arms back. 

“I fucking love you, love the way you clench around me. Love the way you moan for me.” Bruce growled into my ear, nipping at it. He let go of one of my arms to message my ass cheek. “This perfect body of yours.” He removed his other hand so that he could pull my cheeks apart and used his thumb to circle my asshole. “I can see my dick disappearing inside of you, claiming you,” I whined, pushing up to look behind me with watery eyes and his name on my lips. Bruce pulled me to his chest, bringing his hands to my breasts once more. He knew I loved when he played with them. He squeezed at the nipples, tugging lightly and they bounced in his large hands. 

“Bruce,” I called out for him, pushing back with each thrust and tugging at his hair. Bruce reached down, playing with my clit again. 

“You mine (Y/N), my pretty fucking wife.” I gasped, hips stuttering. Calling me his wife was the hottest thing he’s ever fucking said. “This perfect little cunt was made for me, and I’m gonna fill it up nice and deep. Carve me into you.” Bruce let me fall to the bed before hiking up my leg and changing angles to hit even deeper. “If I ever find someone else trying to touch you I’ll fucking kill them.” His eyes were promising as he thrust into me. 

“I don’t want anyone else Bruce, just you,” I reassured him. He practically purred in response. He leaned down to kiss me, and then his hips stuttered and he was cumming inside me. I groaned, throwing my head back as another orgasm climbed over me. Bruce pulled out slowly, falling beside me with heavy breaths. As our climaxes receded, I turned to look at him. 

“Did you mean it?” I asked, trailing my fingers along his chest. 

“What?” He asked, sleepy as he turned into me and cuddled close. 

“You called me your wife,” I watched his face nervously. He sighed, almost sounding disappointed. 

“This wasn’t the way the proposal was supposed to go,” he grumbled. His pretty blue eyes bore into mine as he stroked my cheek. “Will you marry me (Y/N)?” 

“Yes,” I said it without hesitation, kissing him as soon as it left my lips. “Fucking yes Bruce.” He smiled at me, soft and tired but so fucking happy. I cuddled into his chest and we fell asleep to each other's content breaths.

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