I Fell In Love

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I awoke to a door scraping upon the metal flooring. Bright lights illuminated the room I was holed up in, it was dingy and a bit rusted. The smell was rank as if there wasn't any airflow. Testing my wrists, I discovered they were bound behind my back with thick itchy rope, and my ankles were tied to the chair. Two people stepped inside, wearing what looked to be a uniform. It was a black full-body suit that came up to their jaws. The two took post on either side of the entry as Vandal walked through with his arms behind his back. He was wearing a suit as if he was just a simple businessman. The scars on his face almost seemed to glow.  

“Hello my sweet (Y/N), I’m glad you’re finally awake.” 

“Yeah, no thanks to you!” Glaring at him I struggled against my restraints. Fear ate away at my gut as Vandal stepped forward.  

“Meet your brother and sister, Mark and Hailey.” He motioned toward two of them with a smile I could only describe as vile. 

“Let me guess, you tricked some other poor woman into having your kid, and they didn’t get away.” I grit my teeth as Vandal’s smile only grew wider. Stretching across his face like that of some sort of monster. 

“Precisely,” he stalked forward and leaned down until he was inches from my face. Thick fingers gripped my chin as Vandal forced me to look into his dark, horrifying eyes. “And now that I have you, I’m going to make use of the offspring I created.” Ripping my chin from his fingers, I tried to hide my trembling with another glare. 

“You’re immortal, you’ve fathered countless children, what do you care about the one that got away from you?” Vandal stepped away to turn his back on me, he raised his right hand and motioned for the others. They hurried over, untying me from the chair and hauling me up. I thrashed against them, but it was no use. Vandal led us out of the room and down a short and narrow hallway. 

“I do not like my genetics going places I do not know. None of my children are allowed to reproduce, I have made sure of it. However, I missed one when their bitch of a mother stole her away from me.” Hailey and Mark dragged me into another room, one that held a surgical bed. This room was much cleaner and smelled of bleach. 

“No!” I screamed out uselessly, digging my heels into the floor. 

“Oh yes, sweet little (Y/N).” As I was thrown onto the bed and tied down, Vandal filled a syringe. He tapped it once before placing the needle on my skin. “After I sterilize you, you will become part of my army, and if you do not comply, then you will become part of my experimental treatments.” Vandal held a smug grin on his face as he pushed the needle in. It burned with each millimeter and I struggled fruitlessly against the cuffs. For a second there was nothing but static, then a loud bang. 

Vandal was across the room in a matter of seconds, Superman keeping him and his bodyguards busy. Batman rushed to my side, undoing the cuffs and pulling me into his arms. He scooped me up bridal style, sending one last glance at Superman before rushing us out. 

“Batman.” I dug my fingers into his suit, tears soaking into his neck. “He was gonna…he was gonna…” 

“Shhh, (Y/N) I’ve got you now. Vandal is never going to hurt you again.” Batman’s voice rumbled from deep in his chest, calming my fears. It never mattered the situation I was in, Batman always made me feel safe. A group of Vandal’s soldiers crowded the hallway, blocking our path. They all held blank faces as if the situation didn't phase them. “Alright (Y/N), I need you to listen to me. Close your eyes and hold on tight.” Squeezing my eyes shut, I wrapped my arms around his neck. The air whooshed by us as I felt Batman move. 

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