Her Pimp Was a Real Asshole

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“What’s on your mind?”

Clark sat down beside me, the bench shifting a little before it adjusted to his weight.

He’s a big guy, tall and muscular, yet he carried himself as if he were a feather.

Handing me an ice cream cone, Clark and I looked out to watch Eilis fail to pick up a girl.

“He’s a train wreck.”

Clark nodded his head at him and I giggled into my ice cream.

Blue moon, a flavor I haven’t indulged in since I was running around in children’s clothes and my mother’s lily green high heels.

That feeling of bittersweet memories turned my stomach and I forced the nostalgia back down. 

“You’re good with him.” I said, the ice cream coating my tongue.

It was a pleasurable cold that made me think of the days I would bring Eilis out for ice cream. 

“Of course, I’m his favorite uncle!” 

“You’re his only uncle.” I deadpanned, frowning now.

“The only family Eilis has is me and you.” 

Clark looked at me, but I didn’t reciprocate. I watched him from out of the corner of my eye, the pensive look on his face making my hand clench into a fist.

“What are you saying (Y/N)?” 

“I know you want kids one day. Do you think it will be with Lois?”

I awaited a response but Clark was quiet as red dusted his cheeks.

He stared blankly at the ground, and for a moment I feared I had broken him.

“I guess that answers that.” 

Coughing, Clark rubbed the back of his neck like he always did back in high school, a dopey little smile on his face.

“Do you want to have more?” He asked, innocent blue eyes looking into mine.

But I didn’t have an answer. 

“First I need a partner.” 

“Bruce seemed quite taken with you.”

He placed a heavy hand upon my shoulder, squeezing it. A comforting touch only a childhood friend could do, but all I felt was envy.

Clark and Lois were happy, living in Metropolis and doing what they love. They’re going to get married and have children and grow old.

But here, with me?

Eilis would be better off with them.

I moved him to Gotham, I got him tangled up with a targeted family.

I’m searching for my mother’s killer with the Dark Knight of Gotham. 

“I think you should take Eilis for a while.”

Clark looked as if I had grown another head. As if I was an alien.

“What? Why?” 

I didn’t back down.

“I’ve been attacked twice already. It’s not safe for him here. I thought I could make everything fit, but I can’t.” 

“You were attacked! Why didn’t you say anything? Is that how you got those wounds?”

Clark’s worried eyes were like sharp little slivers poking at my skin. 

“It wasn’t important, and yes.”

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