Sugar Daddy

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While there are many pros to being acquaintances with Bruce, there are also a lot of cons.

One con, in particular, is that he invited me to his gala.

An auction he’s holding to build up a charity for the less fortunate.

I don’t know why I would be invited, seeing as I have little to zero finances. Being a writer may pay the bills, but it doesn’t do much else.

I’m not that well known, so I don’t bring in as much.

That doesn’t mean I would get a different job, I love writing.

But it does mean that sometimes I have to do a little extra to live a little more lavishly. 

“I should get a sugar daddy,” I whispered, sighing as I thought about my financial predicament. 

“Don’t let Bruce hear you say that. Unless you want him to take up the role.”

Dick snickered as I lightly punched him on the shoulder, my cheeks burning.

Currently, Alfred was waiting to take the boys to an amusement park, with Dick as a chaperone. 

“Thanks again for taking them. Eilis loves the rides, but I’m not really into them.” 

“Of course, Damian doesn’t get to go out and have fun like most kids, given that he’s a Wayne, so this will be good for him.” 

“You’re a great big brother, I wish Eilis had someone like you.”

I gave him a sad smile, and he returned the sentiment. 

“Well, now he does. Don’t worry (Y/N), I’ll take care of him.” 

I nodded before ushering him away. Alfred took off down the road, and I watched them go.

Eilis hadn’t been away from home since he officially became part of my family, and watching him spend time with a friend, watching him go out and have fun?

Well, I couldn’t have asked for anything more.

But now that they’re gone, that means I have to go out and shop for an outfit.

Bruce had sent an extravagant dress, deep red with a sweetheart neckline and a trimmed waist.

It was perfect, fitted but not too tight.

He had sent it with the invitation, but I couldn’t possibly wear it. The tag wasn’t on it, but it had to have been over two hundred, at least.

How could I possibly go out and potentially ruin it?

It might fit right, but what if I bend down or sit and something rips?

Or if I spill something on it, I’m a total klutz! I just can’t take the chance.

So, I’m going out to the mall and I’m going to find something nice, but not too expensive. 

Since my car was totaled, I’ve had to walk to get places.

Bruce insisted that I let him buy me a car, but I couldn’t allow that. I don’t want handouts.

I don’t want to be left stranded one day, floundering to keep something that was solely, rightfully, mine.

So instead I headed for the subway.

I made sure to bring my pepper spray, taser, and lighter, throwing them into my purse as I rushed out.

While the subway was a fast and reliable way of transportation, it was dangerous. You can’t go late at night, because there’s a drug cartel that uses it to transport their… merchandise.

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