Funny How A Little Rock Can Kill A God

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Catwoman slinked forward, rounding me with quiet steps.

Coming full circle, she leaned forward.

“You are an interesting woman,” she said, and I felt her breath graze over my cheek.

Stepping back, Catwoman looked me up and down before pulling her red lips into a smirk.

“Let’s make a deal.” 

“A deal?” I narrowed my eyes, shifting my weight.

“For what?” 

“For Batman.” She snickered, sashaying back to her cats.

“You’ve been spending an awful lot of time with him as of late.”

I opened my mouth with a retort, but one look from her had the words dying on my tongue.

“Help me out with a…mission of sorts.” 

“A mission?” 

“A very powerful man has a very powerful item. I need your help to take it away.” 

“Why would I help you steal?” I crossed my arms, scoffing at her.

Catwoman frowned as she stepped into my space once more.

She reached up to grip my chin between two sharp claws, staring into my eyes with promises of violent consequences. 

“Because this man has a piece of kryptonite, and plans on using it to kill Superman.”

She squeezed my chin before letting go and waiting for me to decide. 

“Why do you need my help? I’m not much of a hero.”

I averted my gaze, a frown pulling at my lips. 

“Batman is more than just a man, more than a hero even. Gotham needs him, the world needs him. Someone fragile will only drag him down,” Catwoman tilted her head as she said, “so what’s it going to be?” 


I bit my lip, fingertips absently tracing the indentation of the diary through my coat.

“You want me to prove myself? What's there to prove, I'm a normal woman in a city that is anything but.” 

"You are anything but normal," Catwoman frowned, heavy like a mountain had slammed itself upon her shoulders.

"Normal people don't catch Batman's eye, and they don't make friends with Harley Quinn or Poison Ivy. Normal people don't fight the Joker. I want to see what makes you so special." 

"I'm not special, I'm just desperate." 

"Is that a yes?" 

"I'll do it. But not to prove something to you, for Superman." 

“Good,” Catwoman laid her arm over my shoulders, pulling me into a side hug.

“Harley and Ivy would be pleased to see us getting along so well.”

“Right.” I bit my cheek, fighting back a petulant response.

“Now tell me about this man.” 

“His name is Tyler Dez. He’s gotten in good with Lex Luther as of late and stole a piece of kryptonite from his vault.” 

“How did he get away with it?” 

“Luther wanted him to have it, he needs to take some of the eyes off of himself for a while. He’s cooking up a plan.” 

“So what do you need me to do?” 

“Tyler’s throwing a party at his estate. We’re going to infiltrate. So..”

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