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Eilis was shouting, his face growing red as he took in sharp puffs of air. 

"I know you don't get it, but this is for the best. It's dangerous right now, and I'm not going to let you get hurt because of me."

Reaching forward I tried to grip his shoulder, but he stumbled back. 

"So you're just going to leave me? Ship me off with Clark like some dog that needs a babysitter?" His voice trembled, shoulders shaking.

"I'm your son!" 

"Exactly! You're my son and I have sworn to protect you! I messed up Eilis, I was selfish and I put my needs above yours. I'm not going to do that anymore." 

"What are you talking about? What could be more selfish than you leaving me so you can play house wife with Bruce? Or is it Batman? He's dangerous (Y/N), he's going to get you killed." Eilis looked to the floor, hands clenched into fists at his sides.

The dainty little house I snatched off the market months ago never seemed so large, a space settling between us I couldn't cross. The window Eric broke had been replaced, and Pamela had shrunk the plant down to tiny blades of grass, letting the sunlight up the living room. 

"You don't understand," I took a deep breath before continuing, "I'm not trying to get rid of you so I can find a lover. Hell, if they don't accept you they can fuck off. I'm doing this to protect you."

A heavy sigh fell from my lips, the weight of it surprising us both. Shaking my head I collapsed onto the sofa, face in my hands. 

"Then why? If it's so dangerous then stop seeing him." 

"It's not that simple, Eilis. Do you know why we came to Gotham?"

Looking up at him, I waited for his response. 

"To get away from the press in Metropolis."

He tilted his head like he didn't understand why I was asking.

"I came here to solve my mother's murder, and I'm not leaving until I do." 

"You're...mother's murder? But I thought that Mrs. Kent was..."

He looked like a little lost puppy, eyes glassy and bottom lip trembling.

Shaking my head, I watched everything he knew crumble down before him. 

"Mrs. Kent took care of me, but she wasn't my mother. My mom was killed a long time ago, across the city in an old rundown apartment. She died in my arms and I vowed to avenge her."

Eilis was silent for a moment, and I gauged him cautiously. 

"Let me help you," he finally said with a newfound resolve in his eyes.

Shaking my head, I gave him my best smile.

"I need you to be safe, Eilis, and that's not with me. I'm sorry I'm so selfish, I'm sorry I'm not a good enough mother. But I swear I will come get you in two months, whether I solve the case or not." 

"What about school? If I miss any days they'll tear up my scholarship!" 

"I know, that's why I'm going to speak to Bruce."

The frown on his face spoke volumes of his disapproval.

"What? I thought you liked him." 

"I did, before."

He ignored the obvious question on my face, "(Y/N) what are you going to ask him?" 

"I'm hoping he will sway the board into accepting you back. You'll feel a bit behind, but you're smart." 

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