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Despite insisting that I could make it home on my own, I was quite grateful to Bruce.

As promised, he was there to pick me up bright and early the next morning.

My injuries were minor, nothing but a few bruises, aches, and pains. My wrists were the worst, phantom cuffs causing the skin to prickle.

And, just like he said, we were eating lunch at some fancy restaurant.

Neither of us said a word as Bruce cut into his medium-rare steak, the knife scraping across the plate as it sliced through the meat.

I watched him take a bite, his posture giving way to his wealthy upbringing.

His elbows weren't on the table, and his back was straight. His pale hands worked gracefully to deliver that tasty piece of seasoned steak right to the delicate swell of his lips. 

Glaring down at my own piece, I attempted to ignore the odd feeling I got from watching him eat.

It shouldn't have been as...distracting as it was.

Glancing up at him as I finally took a bite myself, I could hardly focus on the exquisite taste on my tongue, too busy watching his Adam's Apple bob as he swallowed. 

Okay, this shit has to end. 

"Mr. Wayne," I called out, dragging my eyes away from his neck, catching on his lips for a moment before looking him in the eye.

He frowned, eyebrows just the slightest bit drawn together. 

"Miss (L/N)." 

He was teasing, reminding me about his wish to be addressed as ‘Bruce.’

Shuddering, I couldn't help but blush.

Fuck, this was so not going to end well. 

"I, um...I think it's best if we take the rest of the food to go."

In an effort to limit my nerves, I smoothed out my skirt across my thighs.

Bruce smirked, and I could feel the heat from my cheeks.

"It's just that...I don't have that much of an appetite..."

That was true, my appetite still wasn't fully back yet.

But he didn't need to know that my other...hunger was winning out over food.

Bruce was a handsome man, hands down. He's got the skin of a porcelain doll, and the eyes of a blizzard. He's got riches beyond comprehension and was giving me all his attention.

But what got me the most, was the fact that he took care of my son. He made sure Eilis became a priority, making sure he went to school, ate, and stayed healthy.

Bruce wasn't anything like all the press and paparazzi described him to be in those bachelor magazines. 

"Of course."

His voice was silky smooth, and every time he spoke it was like a pretty melody dancing through my ears.

God, I really have to get it together!

Maybe it would be best to stay away from him for a while, just until I get this little...development under control.

I can't just throw myself at him like some hooker on the corner of 'I own my sexuality and 'I'm a fucking whore for good looking men in suits.'

Besides, Damian is Eilis' best friend, I wouldn't risk that friendship for anything.

Not even my begging libido. 

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