How Many People Can Say They Rode Superman Like A Magic Carpet?

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"You have got to be fucking kidding me." I growled out, stepping into Superman's space.

"You're a little fucking bitch!"

Whipping around I let my hair hit him in the face before stomping away. 

"(Y/N)! Where are you going?"

Superman walked after me, almost stepping on my heels. 

"Away from a liar like you!" I exclaimed, marching towards the street.

"How are you planning on getting home? You don't have a car!" 

Without looking at him, I held up my hand to flip him the bird.

"Fuck you!"

I kept going, intent on crossing the road. 


All I heard was my name before I was high above the parking lot lights. With a scream I wrapped my arms around Superman's neck, my fingers bunching up his cape.

A car sped down the road, the loud blaring of its car horn making me cringe.

Batman was looking up at us, his arms crossed over his chest. The embarrassment caused my cheeks to heat and I could bet I was as red as a strawberry.

Superman began to lower us to the ground and I squeezed my eyes shut, burying my face into the strong expense of his neck.

Somehow, I always find myself here. Holding unto Clark Kent for dear life, his warm arms keeping me safe against the harshness of the world. 

I wasn't much of a stable teenager growing up. I was always shrouded under crippling anxiety and stress, sprinkled with bouts of depression. Sometimes, everything would become too much.

My mom was gone a lot, so I didn't have to keep up pretenses.

When I reached my breaking point, I'd run into the woods and scream out to the sky, cursing everything.

Sometimes I would spend hours out there, crying and screaming and scaring the critters.

Every single time Clark had found me.

I always wondered how he knew I was there, needing him, but I guess it's because even before he was a public hero, he was my personal Superman. 

"I'm your best friend Clark. Why didn't you tell me when I needed help with my mother? You doubt Batman, but you weren't going to help me, were you?" 

Clark met my eyes, guilt drenching his face.

"Batman's your best bet at finding her killer, but (Y/N) this is dangerous! Look where you're at! You've just been kidnapped, again! I'm worried these bruises will never heal."

He reached up to run his thumb along my cheek.

Moving away once we were firmly on the ground, I glared up at him. 

"Answer me." 

"(Y/N) please understand. I couldn't tell you, it's a secret for a reason. Of course I wanted to help you, but it's not my help you need right now."

Shaking his head, superman pulled out a bracelet. There was a small charm decorating the dainty chain, just a tiny little crest. 

"My birth name is Kal-El, when you need me, call my name and press this button."

Flipping the charm over, he showed me a tiny button on the back of it.

I took the bracelet from him. The charm was his symbol, but you wouldn't be able to tell unless you held it close. 

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