Sweet Dreams

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A few hours after Bruce dropped me off, Alfred pulled up along the sidewalk.

The limo drew a lot of attention from my neighbors, but I didn’t mind all that much. 
“Damian!” I called out, sending him the largest smile in my arsenal.

His lips quirked up, but that was all I got.

He never really smiled, much like his father.

Eilis glued himself to Damian’s side in an instant, talking away with the stoic boy.

I watched them walk into the house with a fond smile, love collecting inside my chest till I was afraid it might burst. 
“Aren’t they cute?” Someone said, his voice startling me.

Whipping my head around I locked eyes with a young man.

He was taller than me, his hair black and eyes bright blue. 
“Excuse me?” I asked, watching him like a hawk.

I stepped to the side, just a shuffle so I was blocking the door.

The young man raised his eyebrow, eyes flicking behind my head before landing back on my face. 
“I’m so sorry! Where are my manners? Bruce would kill me for acting so rude!” He exclaimed, lips pulling into a wide smile.

He tilted his head and held out his hand.

“My name is Richard Grayson, but my friends call me Dick!” 

I looked down at his hand for a moment before looking back up to his eyes.

His smile never dropped and he stayed perfectly still, just…waiting.

Finally taking his hand I nodded my head.

“(Y/N) (L/N). You’re Bruce’s son right?” I asked, eyeing his face.

I knew he had adopted a bunch of kids, but Dick looked just like him.

Something about him oozes with Bruce Wayne's aura, even if he seemed like a much brighter person.  

“Yup! It’s a pleasure to meet you (Y/N), Damian won’t shut up about you.”

His smile turned into a small smirk like an inside joke was playing out right before his eyes.

I raised a brow but chose not to comment, instead of moving aside to allow him entrance.

I looked back at the limo, only now noticing that Alfred hadn't moved from his spot against the door.

He nodded at me once before climbing back into the driver's seat and taking off down the road. 

“Alfred’s a bit busy today so I came to help out!” Dick said, watching me with these odd eyes.

He didn’t seem off-putting or anything like that.

But underneath all the warmth was something else, something calculating and curious.

Shaking my head I ushered him in and to the kitchen. 

“So, what do you want for lunch?” I asked, keeping an eye out for the way he looked around the house.

It was like he was taking everything in, analyzing and collecting snippets of information. 

“I’m fine, why don’t you lay down? You just got out of the hospital after all.”

Dick came to stand beside me, his hand falling on my shoulder. He looked genuinely concerned but I shook him off.

“I’m perfectly fine. So someone threw me off a fucking building, big deal. I can still cook for my son and his friend some fucking lunch.” I growled pulling out a box of noodles. 

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