Just Peachy

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A cold gust of wind brushed against my skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake.

I shivered, shifting my position and realizing I couldn't feel the flesh of my ass.

It was always a bit chilly in Gotham, and the closer we get to the end of October, the colder the city becomes.

There aren't many trees, which may be part of the reason for Pamela's hatred, and I can honestly say I miss the colorful death of the leaves.

Cracking my eyes open to let a sliver of light pass through them, I found that it was still dark.

A frown pulled at my lips as I pushed myself from the side of the couch, the grey fabric sinking as my weight shifted unto it.

The only source of light came from the moon, its silver rays dancing around the room, casting shadows of varying shape and size.

Glass glinted from its scattered placement on my hardwood floors, and I cringed when I realized I'd have to clean it before Eilis came back. 


A voice, familiar in its rhythm, cascaded off the walls of the room and I was startled at its abrupt cut through the silence.

A boy sat on the window sill, watching me from the corner of his room. He seemed to have been watching the night sky, his red and black suit standing out against the light of the moon. His face wasn't illuminated, but the bird upon his chest flashed through the dark like a beacon. 

"Red Robin." I said, not even a little surprised at his appearance.

"If I had known this was all it would take to meet so many heroes, I would have moved to Gotham years ago."

I couldn't quite tell, but I'm more than happy to believe that he smiled, faintly through the dark. 

"Batman asked me to watch you. He didn't want you getting into any more trouble." 

"Did he now?" I raised a brow, not moving from my spot. 

"I thought about cleaning everything up, but I was afraid I'd wake you." He murmured, looking back out the window for a moment. 

"I'm glad you didn't, I'd lose my mind if I woke up to nothing."

We said nothing for a long moment, and I felt a little silly standing around talking to a young hero in the dark.

Sighing, I tiptoed past the shadow of the couch and towards my light switch. I made it through without stepping on any shards of glass and I felt quite proud of myself for it.

I flicked the switch, yellow light basking us from its spot on the ceiling. 

"Batman is quite worried about you."

Red Robin stepped down from his perch, but didn't move from the window.

Glass trapped him to the wall, and while I don't think he minded all that much, I felt the motivation I needed to finally clean it up. 

"That's quite kind of him, but I'm fine now. God you can't be more than nineteen, you shouldn't be watching over me. I'm an adult you know, I can take care of myself."

Tsking, I grabbed the broom from the pantry and began sweeping the glass up. 

"You've been attacked multiple times, I don't think you're fine at all. In fact, I'd bargain that you're more trouble than any of us can predict."

Red Robin began to help me tidy up as I swept up the thousand glass crystals.

"But if you can save him, then I don't mind getting you out of mess after mess." 

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