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Not that long ago, I would have called you crazy if you suggested that I would find myself friends with Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy.

But now, standing before the mirror and admiring the dress draped along my body, it's safe to say that we're definitely more than acquaintances.

They gave me their numbers, told me to call if I found myself in any more trouble, before leaving me at my front door.

Now, Harley blows up my phone every three minutes.

Running my hands down the sleek fabric, I thought about all the ways tonight could go.

Perhaps Bruce will be mad that I didn't wear the dress.

Perhaps I'll look like a fool at the gala.

Maybe the guests will think I'm a terrible person for not donating.

Or a bad mother for not keeping a tighter leash on my son.

Eilis is sure to get into all types of trouble with Damian, after all. 


Eilis creaked open the door, sticking his head through and sweeping his eyes over the elegant dress.

He frowned, coming in and sitting on my bed. 

"What?" I asked, looking back into the mirror and making sure the dress didn't make me look off in some way. 

"You look beautiful." 

Glancing at him from inside the mirror, I noticed the sad tilt of his chin. 

"And that's a bad thing?" 

"No," Eilis stood up and walked over, giving me a tight hug.

"You just...reminded me of my mother. She was beautiful, you know, before my father destroyed her." 

Wrapping my arms around his shoulders, I held him close.

Eilis is a strong kid, much stronger than one of his age should be. But despite how close we are, he never talks about his biological parents.

I know a little, after all, I was the one that killed his father.

His mother, however, hadn't been around much. I always saw her going out and not coming home for days. Eilis used to say she left for business, but during the custody battle, I discovered she was unemployed.

Furthermore, she didn't even show up for the court hearing.

She was a crack addict, leaving drugs all around the house.

So with nothing to say, I stood there with him. I offered all I could, a silent hug.

Eventually, he pulled away. 

"Alright! Are you finished yet? The gala starts in like twenty minutes!" 

"Yes, yes, I'm ready."

Shaking my head I started messing with his hair. Trying to smooth down some of the tuffs.

"Also..." he trailed off in that way he always does when he wants something.

"Can I sleep over at Damian's?" 

"Absolutely not."

It was out of my mouth before I could even pretend to think it over. 


Eilis pulled away, crossing his arms and pouting as a three-year-old does at the store. 


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