Big Bad Wolf

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Batman slipped out after that, thinking I had fallen asleep.

I didn’t stop him, even if seeing him go made the fear resurface.

He was the protector of this city and seeing him again, thanking him?

That was all I could take from him.

Bruce was sitting on a chair beside the bed, his hand cupping his cheek as he leaned against the arm of the chair.

Startled by him I sprung up, glancing around.

The window was closed.

For a moment I wondered if Batman’s visit was a dream. But somewhere deep inside recoiled at the thought.

The soft material of his suit, the warmth of his body, his strong hands cradling me.

It was real, had to be. 
“Expecting someone else?” Bruce asked, voice silky and teasing.

Snapping my gaze back to him I ignored the flushing of my cheeks.

His blue eyes danced with mirth and I felt vaguely bare in front of him, and no, it didn’t have anything to do with the fact that my ass was hanging out of my hospital gown. 

“I was looking for Eilis.”

I croaked out before clearing my throat.

Bruce smirked for a moment, something flickering in his eyes, a twinkling he didn’t have when I first met him. 

“He’s at school. But he’ll be here in an hour.” 

I frowned a little and eased back so I wasn’t straining myself.

“So what are you doing here?” I asked, watching him.

Bruce’s smirk twitched, his eyes sharpening for a moment before melting back into an easy-going stare.

Playing it off like he's an open book, but I'd bet anything that he's never been read past the dedications. 

“My favorite parent was injured, do you expect me to let Alfred be the only one checking up on you?” 

“Alfred checked up on me?” 

“Of course, so did Damian. He was rather insistent.” 

Pursing my lips I furrowed my brows, feeling like I was missing the middle pieces to a puzzle. 

“But…why?” I asked hesitantly, twiddling my thumbs.

Bruce’s strong hands, more calloused than any rich man’s should be, took mine. 

“Because you’re important. Damian is quite taken with you, you know. So is Alfred. It seems you and your son are a very welcomed addition to our lives.” 

Raising a brow at him I couldn’t help but snort.

“Let me get this straight. A rich man like you, is interested in an unemployed single mother like me, whose son got into it with yours?” 

Bruce let out a light chuckle and I decided I like the sound of it.

“Yes, that sounds about right. But you forgot how incredibly interesting it is that the unemployed single mother of my son’s one time adversary manages to live in Gotham.” 

Scoffing, I crossed my arms.

“The same way every other woman lives in Gotham.” 

“What? Manipulation and secret agendas?” Bruce joked as he placed his hand on my thigh.

I noticed it but didn’t comment.  

“No,” I wrinkled my nose before looking him dead in the eye.

“By working our asses off and not taking shit lying down.”

Bruce raised his brow and leaned back a little.

His hand stayed. 

“Speaking of, have you figured out what’s really been going on in Eilis’ school?”

The teasing manner in which Bruce had held himself was taken over by a seriousness I wasn’t expecting.

“What? What did you find?” 

Bruce sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

“Eilis has been getting bullied by a group of boys within his class. Apparently, Damian was sworn to secrecy by your son. He didn’t want you to worry.” 

Opening my mouth I began to form a retort, but the words died on my tongue.

Looking away from Bruce I pulled my knees to my chest. 

“What a load of crap,” I whispered, burying my face into my hands and attempting not to laugh pitifully. 

“We’ll talk to the school, if serious action isn’t taken within the next twenty-four hours we’ll-” 

“We? Bruce, what are you saying? Eilis is my son. This doesn’t have anything to do with you.” 

Bruce blinked at me for a moment, like he just realized he overstepped without noticing.

Sighing I ignored his confused expressions and instead groaned pitifully. 

“Shit…What am I supposed to do? Mr. Darco won’t listen to me, I don’t have enough money for his ear.”

“(Y/N), I’m sorry I crossed a line before. Eilis is your son and this has nothing to do with me.”

I looked at him, a bit shocked as my heart squeezed uncomfortably.

He was right of course, I said that just a moment ago. Yet hearing it from him was painful.

Bruce took my hand again.

“Stop with the look of betrayal and listen to me. Tell me (Y/N), will you let me help you?”

Silence hung over us, Bruce looking into my eyes earnestly.

Finally, I nodded, hesitant at first but then with more vigor.

Bruce smiled and leaned back with a satisfied tilt of his chin. 

“Why are you doing this? What’s in it for you?”

I frowned at him and Bruce chuckled like an all knowing god. 

“Because you’re interesting. And my son is finally making a friend. Dick tells me that’s a good thing and I should back it. Plus, Damian just about fell into a rage when he heard about what happened to you. He’s decided you’re under his protection now. What type of father would I be if I didn’t honor that?”

“Wait, hold up a minute? Dick? Who the hell is that? And under your kid’s protection? What the hell does that even mean?” 

Bruce smirked at me and stood up.

“Why don’t I answer those questions at lunch tomorrow?” 

Leaning up I furrowed my brows as Bruce walked to the door.

“But I’m hospitalized.” 

Bruce turned back to smirk at me already halfway out the door.

“By tomorrow morning you’ll be discharged, I’ll pick you up.” 

“Wait! How do you even know that? And how will you know what time I’m cleared?” 

Bruce’s smile turned wolfish. I felt like little Red about to be eaten by the Big Bad Wolf.

“Because I put myself as your emergency contact.”

Then he slipped out and the door slid closed with a quiet click.

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