You Fucking Bastard

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“Hey babes,” I said into the phone as I mundanely washed the dishes. 

“(Y/N), when am I coming home?” Eilis was almost whiney with the way he asked. 

“Soon, I promise. We just have to catch Vandal, and as soon as I do I’m never leaving your side again. Even when you’re sick of me.” 

“I’m sick of Uncle Clark, his jokes are kind of dry.” 

Humming a laugh I finished rinsing the last dish, “I know, but you get used to it, I swear.” 

“I don’t want it to get easier. I want to come home.” 

“You will, I promise. I gotta go, love you.” 

Eilis hung up without a response.

Sighing, I looked out the sink window to stare at the clouds. Bright fluffy shapes, nothing complicated about that. Lately, everything has been off its rocker. Nothing's just plain and simple anymore, not even talking to my son. 

Days have gone by without incident though, despite the oddity my life has become.

No Vandal, no criminals, and no Batman.

No Bruce either.

Just Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter, daily calls with Eilis, and creepy texts from the Joker.

They’re nothing special and they only appear once every couple of days. 

Things like Tell me where Harley is, I know you know, I’ll get it out of you, Why won’t you answer? Batman’s new toy broken?

I’ve come to realize, while incredibly dangerous, Joker’s like any other self-entitled man.

He just wants validation, even if he doesn’t deserve any.

Still, he hasn’t attacked me since the last time, and his idle threats have lost their touch.

Unfortunately, he's the only contact I've had with anyone.

I haven’t had much with Harley or Pamala, things have been busy on both of our ends. Besides having two of the Gotham Sirens over while two Justice Leaguers follow me around probably isn’t the best idea. 

“You are lonely, Miss (Y/N).” Martian Manhunter startled me out of my thoughts. 

“No, I’m just…Okay yes.” I turned my gaze to the floor. 

“Please, call me J’onn. And if you are lonely, why not see a friend.” He tilted his head as if my hesitance baffled him. 

“It’s a little more complicated than that.” 

“You are friends with Bruce Wayne, are you not?” 

“Well yes but,” blushing I turned away to hide the red on my cheeks, “with everything going on…and anyways he hasn’t contacted me in like a week so,” I shrugged, attempting to pretend like it didn’t bother me.

Without much success, it would seem, as J'onn didn't look convinced. 

“It bothers you, so why not do something about it.”

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