Got caught

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I feel like i got to put an authors note.

I wrote this over a year ago now, so the amount of cringy shit in this book is crazy. There's plot holes everywhere so be warned.

I'm gonna re edit it rlly soon and basically rewrite it so umm yea.


Soooo, a little backstory. It's been 3 days since they've returned Zym home and they're now living in Katolis. Rayla got Ezran's old room, which is conveniently right next to Callum's. Ez got his dad's old room since he is now king. We're also doing POV's through this.



I groaned as I shifted in ma bed, I can't sleep.

It's not like it's not comfy, believe me it is. After sleeping on the forest floor for weeks it feels heavenly.

I sighed, turning over and staring at the door leading to Callum's room. Would he notice if i just slip into bed with him?

I got up and walked over to the door, opening it up. I quietly giggled when i saw Callum. He was drooling all over his pillow with his limbs sprawled all over the bed. His hair was a ruffled mess that was sticking out in weird positions, and he was wearing yellow pyjamas.

I smiled to myself and gently tiptoed in. Avoiding all the spots that creaked, I carefully moved his arms out of the way and layed down next to him.

I instantly felt a wave of calm overtake me, this is what I needed.

He slowly started to stir, making me regret everything. He groaned and woke up in confusion.

He smiled when he saw me.

"Hey Rayla," he said, all sleepy. I inhaled sharply and began getting out of bed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, I'll go if you want-" I stuttered, but he grabbed my hand to pull me back in. I avoided his concerned eyes and layed back down.

He layed back down to face me. "What's bothering you?" He whispered.

"It's ma parents Callum, it just hit me that they're actually gone." I whispered to him. His face softened in understanding.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Not really." I mumbled, sitting up and pulling my knees to my chest. He sighed and sat up, running a hand through his chocolate brown hair.

"Rayla, I've lost my parents too y'know."

Oh, i forgot about that.

I let out a sigh. "Cal, it's just- what if they were alive. Would they be proud of me?"

Callum grabbed my hand and intertwined out fingers.

"Rayla, I know how you feel about them. They're not here, and you feel the need to blame yourself for that. But if they were here, I highly doubt they wouldn't be proud of you, and it's for certain they wouldn't blame you for their decisions either." He said as a single tear slid down my cheek. I quickly wiped that tear with ma thumb.


"No buts Rayla," he said cutting me off. I slowly smiled as he pulled me in the rest my head on his chest. I inhaled and exhaled his scent before snuggling closer. He tilted my head upwards and kissed me, long and slow. He broke away and smirked.

"Now, let's do something a little more fun, since we're both up." He said smiling at me.



I woke up right next to Rayla, her head resting on my bare chest. I held my breath as she shifted, only to snuggle closer into me. Last night came back to me and i blushed thinking about what we did. I looked down at Rayla again and smiled to myself.

How did i get so lucky?

I leaned down and kissed her head, being careful to not wake her.

I closed my eyes again, knowing that it's okay to go back to sleep because i don't have to do anything.

A little while later I started to heard some footsteps and inhaled sharply. When the footsteps disappeared i exhaled in relief only to find Soren barge in.

"GOOD MORNING IDIOTS!" He yelled so loud it could wake up the dead.

Rayla stirred and woke up in confusion. It took her a second before she screamed in surprise and threw the cover over the both of us.

Soren looked so confused and took a second to process this. He gasped in shock and paled slightly.

"Wait a minute...... did you guys do it?!" Soren almost screamed. I instantly panicked.

"Ummm, no?"

Rayla slapped her forehead and groaned.

Before I could say something worse Soren ran out of the room screaming Rayla and I are in bed together. We were both left there in shock.



"Dishonesty, rumours, inappropriate! What are people gonna think of you two? A fourteen year old with a fifteen year old in bed together?!" Opeli scolded us. I glanced at Callum who was looking at his outfit. He seemed very interested in a piece of lint at the moment. I sighed and stood up to talk.

"It's ma fault! I couldn't sleep, so I went to Callum's room and then.... stuff." I said as my voice trailed off.

"Ugh!" Opeli said turning around to look at Soren. He shrugged and smirked at me and Callum. What a stupid human. Footsteps came from behind us and we all turned to see Ezran.

"What is going on?" Ezran came into the room rubbing his eyes. Opeli quickly turned to Soren before he could say anything.

"Oh, your brother and Rayla had s-" Soren said but Opeli slapped her hand on his mouth. Ezran looked at Callum and I with wide eyes before slowly walking out of the room. I was in a blushing mess until we finally got out of there, promising we won't do it again. 


Separated, Rayllum *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now