Final chapter

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<<slow inhale>> a month ago today I started writing this fic, now tonight I will finish the last chapter. I cried doing this BUT the story has to finish at some point and I decided that it was time. We almost reached 200 views so hopefully we'll reach that goal. I will be starting a new Rayllum fanfic Callum "Rewrite the stars" very soon. I love writing, me and my best friend (who wrote half of this story but I did most of it but she wrote the middleish part) are now moving on. I can't believe we got this far because I went through a depression state while writing this story so all of the dramatic parts reflect on my own life and how I feel. I'll talk more about his at the end of the story but for now enjoy the very last chapter of "rayllum separated"🥺

Callum stood proudly next to his brother Ez. Both wearing traditional red Katolian colours. Both embroidered with gold and wearing the crown. Callum was granted permission for this one night because he was going to propose to Rayla. 

"You good?" Ez asked. Callum sighed and pulled on the collar of his shirt.

"I'm not sure I'm ready for this." Callum said.

"Opeli told you that a union was the only way to actually secure the borders!" Ez said.

"That's why I'm nervous, I mean- what if she liked someone else back at home?" Callum said.

"Well you LIKED Claudia, so I don't see the big deal." Ez said.

"Oh you're gonna get it!" Callum said grabbing his brother and ruffling his hair. Ez shrieked and ran around the marble floor of the ballroom. It had huge arches leading outside, so that they could see the moonlight. Outside was transformed into a mystical garden. Inside was an orchestra, and tables in one corner. Callum used a spell to levitate glowing spheres of blue light. It was perfect. 

"Don't mess up his hair." Soren said. Callum turned behind to see his best friend wearing a deep blue shirt with silver  embroidery. He was clean shaven and his ocean eyes were speakling with excitement. Callum tackled him in a hug, breathing in his scent.

"I can't believe 3 weeks ago I was climbing that fucking storm spire in Xadia." Callum said. Soren burst into laughter and Ez joined in. Zym whined and Callum picked him up and quickly kissed his nose.

"You're our favorite dragon Zymmy!" Ez cooed.

"Stop babying the poor thing." Respen said. Callum gasped in shock.

"Enchanted I presume." He said. His face was clean of dirt, and his bright green eyes sparkling like Callum's. He was wearing a sleeveless green shirt and black pants. His green shirt had elven patterns on it. Pieces of his hair was freshly braided even more neatly then before.

"Very enchanting." Ruith said. This time it was Ez's jaw that hit the floor. The scars that once covers his face where now gone, probably Respen's doing. He was wearing a purple shirt with white embroidery on it. His oven blue eyes matched his one earring. 

"Wha-?" Callum said

"They better not steal our girlfriends!" Soren said. Callum hit him.

"They would never hit on your girls." Jandar said behind them. Zym whimpered in surprised. Jandar was wearing a brown shirt, red gold on the ends. His caramel coloured hair was neatly cut and the bruns on his face were nowhere in sight.

"Why do all the guys get glow ups?" Soren complained. 

"That's because you're too cute." Kali said. Soren looked like he was about to pass out when he saw her. She curtsied when she saw Ez then moved out of the way so that he can see Ellis. He smiled and grabbed her hand before kissing it. 

"God my brother is smooth." Callum thought. 

Slowly more and more guest came in, Amaya and Janai came in together. Gren had a nice chat with Opeli about all the new people living in the castle. Meanwhile Callum sat around waiting for Rayla. She was only allowed coming down when her name was announced. Then he noticed a flustered looking Noah.

"What happened to you?" Callum asked. Noah grabbed his shoulders and shook Callum.

"Julianne just KISSED me!" He said. Callum broke into a goofy grin and slung his arm around Naoh's shoulders. 

"SHALALALALALALAMYOHMYYOUWANNAKISSTHEGIRL!" Callum shouted. Noah hid his blushing mess of a face.

"May I now present, miss Rayla!" The announcer said.

 The whole ballroom went quiet and looked at the staircase. Callum ran to the end and composed himself. Rayla slowly walked down as the orchestra played. (I couldn't get the music out of my head from when Aurora walked down the steps with Philip for the first time and it had that beautiful music so umm just imagine that) Callum's heart stopped when he saw her. She smiled at him and held her head high to face the crowd. She saw all faces of people she loves and then her heart stopped. It was Ethari standing right next to Callum. He was crying and she held back her tears. She got the the bottom and Callum kissed her hand. She curtsied before tackling Ethari into a hug. She let a few tears slide down her cheek.

"It was Callum's idea." He whispered into her ear. Rayla let out a cry.

"He's really the best guy for you." Ethari said. He turned her face to face him and wiped her cheek with his thumb. She pulled away and felt Callum grab onto her hand.

"Follow my lead." He said. He brought her to the middle before raising his hands. Rayla held back laughter. It was the moonlight dance. The danced in sync, laughing when Callum tripped over himself. Then everyone started dancing. Callum pulled Rayla to the side and just took it all in. Soren and Kali together. Ez and Ellis. Amaya and Janai. Respen and Meorise. Jandar and Drannor, bet you didn't see that one comin), Zym, Bait and Ava all watching hypnotized. Noah and Julianne. Everyone they loved was right there where they needed them.

"Come!" Callum said pulling Rayla into the garden. She looked around in awe.

"Oh, it's beautiful!" She said breathlessly.

"Yeah it sure is." He said. Rayla blushed when she realized that he wasn't talking about the garden. He walked up to her and slowly kissed her. Ever so gently, not forcing it at all. They sat down on a bench and watched the ball go on. Callum tightened his jaw when he felt the satin box in his hands. 

"Rayla, this is really hard to say. When I met you, the moment I laid my eyes on you, i-I thought you were going to kill me. In fact, I thought my life was going to end in that moment. But before I know it I embark on a journey, and now I'm here. During this journey I pick up feelings right away. The way you hated water, or how you were comfortable  with talking about your parents around me. Then when you dropped Zym, all you cared about was him. You knew right away when Claudia was up to no good. You were brave with the dragon. Then you took care of me when I stupidly used dark magic to save your life. Then in Xadia, I had the time of MY LIFE. And then we visited your home, and I tried everything I could to see you happy again. When you kissed me, I was scared that I wasn't good enough for you, but in the end we climbed the storm spire. That moment where you fell off the godamn cliff I knew that if I didn't risk my life I would never see you again. I love you Rayla. Every fucking thing about you. All of those good parts and bad parts. And now, I'm left with one question." Callum said before slowly dropping to one knee before her. 

"Rayla I don't know what the fuck is you last name, will you marry me?" He asked. Rayla jumped into his arms and kissed him passionately. He slipped the silver ring onto her hand as she cried.

"Yes." Was all she could say.

I'm crying it's over. Well umm see you guys soon imma take a break. God I'll miss this and I piece of me will die the moment i publish this. Love you guys so much and I hope you enjoyed.

Separated, Rayllum *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now