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Callum and Rayla went to bed shortly after that. They refused to talk about what happened to them, so everyone left them alone for the night. Callum stirred in his sleep. He was dreaming about what happened to him. The feeling of the blazing hot knife on his back made him wake up in a cold sweat.

"Ah!" He said shooting up. He looked around his dark room in panic, only to find that he was completely alone. He looked at the door connecting to Rayla's room. He hesitated but got up.

"She really needs her sleep but..." he though to himself. He carefully opened her door to find Rayla on the ground shivering. He gently stroked her hair before picking her up bridal style. She stirred before falling straight back to sleep. Callum place her on the bed and shifted right next to her. The nightmares are over. 

Separated, Rayllum *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now