Awkwardness and goodbyes

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I felt Callum stir in his sleep. I turned around to face him, I could fell his breaths against my cheeks. I reached out and felt his hair. It felt so soft and light. I snuggled closer to him, making sure that I don't wake him. His body is warm, it made me feel fuzzy inside. I made small circles on his chest with my finger. He moaned and turned his head to look at me.

"You woke me up." He said half groggy, but as a complete joke.

"Well, we have to have an early breakfast before I leave."

"Can I just stay with you in bed forever?"

"Opeli will murder us."

"It's worth it." He said. I playfully hit his arm and got up to get my clothes. I put on my green sweater over my head while Callum lazily walked in with a red shirt and black pants. He then asked me to sit down so that he can do my hair. When he was done I had a ponytail with two braids, one on each side, woven in. He let my bangs loose.

"Callum, I love it!" I breathed. He leaned over to kiss me. I felt a tear splatter on my cheek, he's crying. When we broke apart he placed my dual blades into my belt. I felt my heart start pounding as he opened the room doors and took my hand. He ran to the dining room where I saw Soren, Ez, Gren, Amaya, Opeli and Janai eating. The al, turned to face us. Callum  sighed and pulled out a chair for me. 

'So, where were you guys all afternoon yesterday?" Opeli asked, picking at her food.

"Ummm, we were packin." I told her. It was silent for a second.

"Surely it doesn't take that long to pack!" She said eyeing the both of us. Callum accidentally made a long screeching noise it's the fork on the plate.

"Don't ask us a question you already know the answer to."  Callum said quietly. Everyone ate in silence after that.

"So it will take 4 days to get there on horseback." Janai said.

"The first day we will spend the night at the moon nexus." She continued. "I can't believe we'll be all the way at the nexus  tonight,"

"Then after that we're just making camp everywhere we go." I turned to look at Ez, who looked slightly nervous. Then I looked at Callum, who was just poking at his food with his chin resting on his hand.

*No one's perspective*

After they all finished eating they went to gather their stuff. They decided to ditch the banthers and go by horse. Callum insisted Rayla take his horse, which is Snow White, with the brightest blue eyes. His name is Sugar. Ez and Janai are riding on his dad's horse, which is jet black which amber eyes. Her name is Spirit. Rayla slung her bag on the horse and looked over to see Callum looking  at his feet. He was standing on the palace steps. Rayla dropped her bag on the ground and ran to hug him. She buried his nose into his scarf, which he put on. He still hasn't washed it since they've gotten back. Rayla sobbed quietly, letting no one but Callum know that she's crying.

"Rayla, it's ok. You'll be back in a week!" He said reassuring her.

"It doesn't matter, I can't live without you for that long!" She cried. Callum turned her head to face him. He used his thumb to wipe her cheek.

"Hey, you'll be with Ez, he's great company!" Callum joked. Rayla laughed and wiped her other tears away. Callum slung off his scarf and placed it around her neck.

"Just make sure you don't smash it the way I smashed your moon opal." He said. Rayla sniffed the sweater, then leaned in to kiss him. He wrapped his arms around her neck and pulled her in closer. When they broke apart they bonked heads and closed eyes.

"Wow.." Callum said smiling up at her. Rayla laughed and hit him. With tears in her eyes she put her hand on his chest,

"I love you." She softly whispered, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I love you too." He replied.

"Rayla! We gotta go!" Ez called out. Rayla looked at Callum with tears in her eyes and let go of his hand. Callum's hand lingered in the same spot as he said goodbye to Rayla. She got on Sugar, clutched his sweater and they rode off into the morning sun. Soren pulled Callum away, who was wiping his tears.


Separated, Rayllum *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now