Full moon

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We got up to the nexus when it turned night. Ellis tagged along too. It was  much easier to get up there because we now have horses. Ellis decided to ride with me. I told her all about me and Callum and how we came to be. We were greeted by Lujanne at the top with a big feast awaiting us. We quickly dug in.

"How did you and Callum get together?" Lujanne asked. Ez flashed me a smug smile because I refuse to tell him the story.

"Yeah Ray, we really want to hear about it!" Ez said. I rolled my eyes and told them all about it.

"Then when I kissed him, he told me "that's not what I was expecting!" I mean who does that?" I said as everyone burst into laughter. When i finished telling the story, Ava was whimpering, Janai and Ellis were crying, Lujanne was holding back tears and Ez had a shocked face plastered on him. After a little but Lujanne served dessert and we were talking.

"How are we gonna get into Xadia?" Ellis asked.

"We?" I said

"She has to come and live in the palace!" Ezran said. I shrugged.

"Yeah, from what I've heard, one does not walk into Xadia." Ez said. I stopped, feeling tears well up into my eyes. I took off running and sobbing.

I walked the empty halls staring at all of the guards. I just finished dinner, which was silent. Everyone has been avoiding my eye contact. Noah had to leave to do things an hour ago. I honestly don't even know what servants really do.I heard wood floor boards creaking behind me. I looked around to see no one. I shrugged and continued walking. I heard some footsteps and sung my hand around to have the side of the blade sticking out. I screamed in pain. An assassination. Guards came running to find the elf gone. I screamed in pain and fell over. The blade was covered in poison. Tears blurred my vision.

"Callum!" I heard Soren scream at the top of his lungs while running at me. But everything blacked out.

I sat on a rock overlooking the lake. The moon was rising, I cried. It's a full moon, it's been one month that I've known the boys. One month, I told myself while crying. 

I woke up in my bed, startled I saw a note saying that I got poisoned. My bloody hand is wrapped in a bandage and searing in pain. A month ago today was an attempted assassination. Signs of Rayla all over the place.  I looked out the window and watched the moon. Hundreds of miles away Rayla's staring at the moon, turning into a moon shadow elf. She smiled. Hours away from eachother, but still feeling each other. They saw their partners in their hearts. In Callum's chambers, his wish was to be able to go with her. Rayla wished that she could go back to him. Two hearts beating as one. Rayla started breaking down crying. While Callum slowly had tears forming in his eyes.

"I love you," they both said in usion

Separated, Rayllum *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now