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My eyes lingered at the spot where Rayla and the others rode off less than a minute ago. Soren gave up on pulling me inside, and is now watching me stand there, crying.

I feared the worse, if she got hurt while i wasn't there i would never forgive myself.

I felt alone as I held bait tightly in my arms, he gave a gentle croak for comfort, making me smile slightly.

"Callum, we gotta go inside!" Soren said. I looked back at him, and sighed. I looked back at where Rayla rode off, hoping that she'll come back. But when no one showed up I sighed.

"C'mon!" I heard Soren call again. I looked at him and slowly trudged inside. I saw guards avoid my eye contact as I went into the court. I saw Amaya and Gren practicing their sword skills on each other. When they saw me they stopped and bowed. Amaya knows how it feels. She had to say goodbye to Janai. I heard Bait croak and I looked down to see that he was a dark blue.

"Aww, I miss Ezran like crazy too." I told him.

We went inside and towards the throne. I slowly walked towards it, tears blurring my vision.

This is stupid, why can't they send me, i could protect them.

I sat down what was once my dad's throne, now Ez's throne.

I've lost everyone, my mom, my dad and my step dad.

Rayla, Ez, Bait, and Zym, they're my true family now. And they're off back to the one place we shouldn't go back to.

Don't get me wrong, I love my aunt, but she has Janai now.

I cuddled Bait closer to my chest, crying slightly. I let negative thoughts cloud my head, thoughts about death. War changes people, and it changed me.


It's been 3 hours since she's left. I'm lying down on my side, with a sense of loneliness. I stopped crying around an hour ago. My body just couldn't produce any more tears.

I stared at all of my sketches of Rayla, Ez, Zym and Bait. My family.

"Ma family" is what Rayla would say. I felt Bait shift on my bed and I gently stroked his scales. He gave a little groan and looked up at me. I tilted my head and inhaled Rayla's scent that was on my pillow.

I heard a knock on the door.

I sat up, confused. "Uhhh come in?"

A boy, a little older than me, poked his head in.

He had ruffled black hair and gray eyes, must be a servant.

"Moonberry jelly tarts your highness." The servant came in carrying a tray of fresh pastries.

"Thank you." I said, not getting up from bed. He placed the tray on the edge of my bed. The servant looked at me and went to my bathroom. A couple of seconds later he came out with 3 steaming towels. He placed one on my head and another on Bait's. He pushed my shoulders so that I could lay back down.

I felt my light headache go away, letting myself finally relax a little.

They'll be fine, I'm getting worked up over nothing.

"Thank you." I said finally looking up. The servant turned to my wall and stared at all of my drawings. I saw his eyes flicker as he scanned all of my sketches of the people I love.

"She's very special." He mumbled.

"I'm sorry?" I asked, quite confused.

"Lady Rayla, she's very special." He said looking at the pictures with deep concentration. I smiled.

"Do you have anyone special?" I asked slowly sitting up. He looked at me and smiled.

"This one girl that works in the gardens, Julianne." I had to think for a second.

"The one who's always tripping everywhere?" I asked

"Yeah, that's her." He said breaking out into a grin,

"Didn't she once knock down all of the new plants?"

"Yeah, that does sound like her." The servant replied while sitting down next to me. He took one of the jelly tarts and took a bite out of it. He sighed dreamily and turned to me.

"My name's Noah, I'm a proud servant towards the royal family." He said, holding out his hand. I took it, noticing how strong his grip is. He cleared his throat and shifted so that he was sitting facing me.

"Prince Callum, if you don't mind me giving you advice. You should draw a picture of Lady Rayla, i think it'll help with your feelings." He suggested.

That's actually a good idea. "Of course, and you don't have to call her Lady. She wouldn't want that"

"But she's royal family."

"Technically no." I said.

"Oh forgive me- I just assumed she will be in the future." He said. I tried to hide my smile. I feel my cheeks go all warm. Part of the family, I thought.

"It's quite alright."

"I just assumed you will marry her, the whole castle knows what goes on... at night." He said the last part slowly.

My cheeks went light pink. "The whole castle?"

He nodded, making me laugh. I got up and sat on my desk. I took out my drawing stuff and started sketching Rayla. I felt my heart beat as I sketched the details while talking to Noah. He was telling me loads about Julianne and how they met. It was much more romantic then Rayla and I's first encounter.

He picked up a flower while she was gardening because she dropped it and handed it to her.

Then it was love at first sight.

We ate jelly tarts as I sketched for an hour. When I was done it was of her sleeping on the dragon we rode home. He traced his fingers in wonderment over it, smiling to himself.

"Can I put it on the wall?" He asked, looking at me with excitement.

"Of course!" I said motioning toward the wall. He found perfect place for it. He smiled when he saw it up there.

"I wonder what Lady Rayla is doing now.... well c'mon, it's time for your lunch!" He said.

I got up with him and walked out of the room, feeling much better.

I wonder what Rayla is doing right now. 


Separated, Rayllum *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now