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Callum laid on his bed drawing in his bedroom. While I'm packing all the needs for a 8 day trip. It will take 8 days to get there on horseback, according to Ez. I poked my head in Callum's room to see him looking bored. He turned to look at me and groaned. I laughed and walked towards him.

"This is so unfair, i have to stay here for 8 days with Soren and Bait, while my brother and girlfriend are going on another trip!" He whined. I sat beside him, putting a hand on his shoulder. 

"Callum i know it's unfair, but i can't do anythin about it." 

"But you're going." 

"It's not ma decision, it doesn't seem right, but it's not our choice." I said while placing my head on his shoulder. He sighed and put  his head on my head, looking at his hands. 

"But you get to have fun!" He said.

"Cal, they might need you here in case Ez.... Falls." I said slowly, not wanting to upset him. 

"He won't, I know he won't. And the whole reason why I'd be here is for nothing!" He said, smiling to himself a bit. "They're being quite ridiculous." 

"Hey! What happened to all of those inspirational speeches you gave me in the midnight desert?" I playfully teased him. He laughed and kissed me on the head. 

"Ok ok, at least let me help you pack!" He said taking my hand and bringing me to Ez's room. He pack me his favourite blanket. Which he sleeps with every night. He got me a hat, a black cloak,  hanged of clothes, pj's, and the essentials. I put aside blank leggings and a green baggy sweatshirt to change into tomorrow morning. 

"All right, what should we do know?" Rayla asked with closing her bag pouch. 

"I actually don't know." I replied. We both paused for a second before slowly starting to turn to look at each other.

*No one's perspective*

"If they catch us, we're dead." Rayla said breathlessly.

"So no round two?" Callum asked half joking. Rayla's eyes lit up.

"Only if you're up for it." 

"What if I am?"

"Good because I wanted a round two." Rayla said while kissing him.


"Are we just gonna stand here and listen to them?" Amaya signed. (With Gren saying it of course)

"We could walk away and pretend that this isn't happening." Janai said. They looked at each other and giggled like idiots. They were beginning to walk away when someone stopped them 

"What is the meaning of this?" Opeli asked while walking towards them, giving them all heart attacks.

Gren laughs and leaned against Callum's door, giving her finger guns. 

"Oh, Callum and Rayla are in the bedroom!" Soren said. Janai slapped her hand on her forehead, groaning into Amaya's shoulder. 

"I'm gonna kill them!" Opeli said while lunging to the door. Gren braced himself against it, not budging. 

"Woah woah woah. Whatever you plan on doing isn't  going to work!" Amaya signed,

"I don't care!" Opeli said basically shoving her out of the way, and reaching for Gren. 

"Do you plan on walking in on them while they're naked? What if Ez walks by?" Amaya signed. 

Opeli paused and sighed,  walking away while mumbling about teenagers.

 Amaya has won this battle.


Separated, Rayllum *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now