The prison

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Warning, these next couple of chapters with Rayla might be offensive and/or horrifying. Please read at your own risk

I watched as Janai disappeared in the distance. I cried and sobbed and tried kickin the elves, but they didn't budge. All I could think of is Callum. Poor sweet Callum who's already lost too many people in his life. He's probably heartbroken. Ma head is poundin and covered in sweat from being hung upside down for too long, they weren't even going into Xadia, we've been  walkin alongside the border for the past couple of hours. It was so hot, I wonder if they're trying to kill me from heatstroke. I heard a huge boom witch startled the men. Thousands of lightning bolts covered the human world, but then they abruptly disappeared.

"That was sketchy." The first guy said.

"We should stop." The third one said.  The second one one threw me into a tree. I was too weak to get up and fight, so I stayed there.

"Should we feed her?" The first one said

"Boss said we could do anything we want with her." The third one said. The second one came towards me and used his hand to touch ma cheek.

"Why aren't you special." He said going right up into my personal space.

"Quit it Jandar!" The first one said. Jandar, that's one of the names.

"Oh save your breath Respen!" The third one said. 

"Ohhh, remember what you did to the earth blood female? While making us watch? You're disgusting  Ruith! Respen said while drinking water. I wish I could have some. 

"Do you think we should give her some?. Jandar said looking at me.

"Yeah we should." Ruith said throwing the rest onto me. The water was boiling hot and I screamed. I tried to lunged at him but my hands and feet are tied.  

"Please." I said softly, that was the first word that I said to them. I looked at the ground and felt tears welling into ma eyes. Respen came up to me and looked back at the others,

"Quit it guys, boss said she had to come back in one piece!" Respen said while picking me up. He got really close to my face and it made me feel uncomfortable. 

"Let's go!" Ruith said. We travelled for a couple of hours, with any breaks. Ma head started hurtin from all the swingin back and forth. When we arrived in a dark woods they went behind a tree and then came into a clearing, a prison with walks made out of stone. Surrounding it was water deeper then the ocean and surprisingly, steamin. But not just steamin, boilin. There were spikes on the top with four people. Sky mages, using fulminis to activate them. I gave a soft cry when they threw me into a boat.

"What the matter with her?" Jandar said.

"She's afraid of water!" Respen said in  a teasing matter. I gulped when they started paddling. They were usin magic to keep the boat from sinkin. Ruith took off his mask from being too hot and I finally saw his face. A moonshadow elf, with Snow White shaggy hair and deep ocean blue eyes. He had numerous scars covering his cold face. He had dark blue horns poking out of his mass of hair. He looked around 21. Jandar threw his off and it landed into the water. A sunfire elf. With chestnut skin and floppy caramel hair. Red horns stuck out as he tried to slick his hair back with his sweat. He has many burns on his face, from his special sword. He looks no more then 22. Finally Respen, an earthblood elf. With blond hair that was poofy and has small braid in it. Sticks with leaves poked out as horns. He had dirt smeared all over his face and he looked around 18. He heaved as he whispered spells to help the boat go faster. I shivered when water splashed in. They smirked and splashed some more. I screamed and almost fell in. I curled up in a ball and waited until we finished crossing.

Separated, Rayllum *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now