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It really pained me to write this chapter, it's in no one's perspective but it mainly focuses on Callum. Enjoy🥰

"I can't believe she's dead." Ez said while sniffling. They stopped crying hours ago because they're racing home. Ellis was holding Callum's scarf and holding back the tears that are building up.

"She's gone." Ellis choked. Ez and Ellis were riding together while Janai rode silently in the back.

"I was supposed to protect her." She said softly. Ez sniffled.

"Amaya will never forgive me, I'll never forgive myself." She said choking on tears. They" e been none stop riding for a day and they're now nearing Katolis.

"We have to be brave for Callum!" Ellis said.

"He's already lost everyone except for me, how much worse can it get for him?" Ez said quietly.

Callum exited the healers while rubbing his sore hand.

'No magic, oohhh prince Callum no magic, no magic sweetie you're gonna hurt yourself!" He mimicked the healers. He sighed and walked inside the throne room, where Opeli was staring at the old war plans with Amaya.

"What are you doing?" Callum asked.

"We're cleaning up this place, we don't have the need to start a war anymore." Opeli said. He smiled and noticed Noah. Callum motioned for him to come over. He glanced worriedly at Opeli and Amaya but then reluctantly came. 

"What's up dude?" He said,

"Oh nothing, how are you holding up? It's been 3 days since your girlfriend left." He said.

"Honestly, I'm just trying to distract myself."

"That's good!" He said. Suddenly he heard the door open behind him and Noah's facial expression changed to happy. He looked behind him and saw Ez come in first. His eyes are red and puffy. His face was scattered with exhaustion and he avoided eye contact. Next came Janai who was holding her head down, tears dripped onto the ground. Amaya sat up in worry. Callum smiled and waited for Rayla. But to his absolute surprise came Ellis, with tears pouring out of her eyes, and in her hands was a red scarf. Callum stood there processing what going on.

"No." He said in disbelief looking at everyone.

"No!" He said again. No one said a word. He felt as if his soul got ripped out. He couldn't breathe or move. He heard ringing in his ears as tears started pouring out of his eyes. His vision blurred as he screamed no over and over again. He fell to his knees bawling. Opeli and Amaya started crying for him. Callum cried and cried, sobbing. Soren came in and stopped when he saw what was going on. He looked at Amaya who shook her head. 

"No, no, NONONONONO!" He screamed as friction started surrounding him. Tiny lightning bolts surrounded the poor boy. Lightning fill the room as he finally looked up. Red stained his face, he was in pain. He collapsed even further onto the ground, gripping it for support. Soren ran to him and hugged him tight. Callum buried his head into his chest.

"She can't be gone." He said sobbing. Soren's face was scattered with tears.

"SHE CAN'T BE GONE!" He said again in disbelief.  He screamed and cried into Sorens shoulder. Noah had tears spilling out of his eyes. Ez and Ellis were hugging each other. Amaya and Janai were crying for Callum, and Opeli sobbed. 

"NO!" He screamed, listening to his sobs echo in the room.

Separated, Rayllum *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now