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I honestly couldn't wait to write this chapter. I've been waiting for this for a long time. This chapter switches perspectives. So enjoy!

I layed down in ma cell. It had no windows, just iron bars. It had a blanket on the ground. They put me in the uniform. The wounds felt fresh and open. I could feel the blood still seepin through, I felt weak and tired. I thought about ma old life, the one with Callum. I just want to see him one more time. Just one more time. I love him, and if I ever get out I want to spend the rest of ma life with him. I'll marry him. I promise that much. I felt the iron bars open but i didn't move. I was in too much pain. I felt someone life the back of ma shirt. I heard soft chantin, almost whisperin. I looked over startled and saw Respen kneelin down with his hands hoverin over ma back. I slowly felt the pain fly away, he's an earthblood healer. When he finished I turned around to thank him but he was gone....

I've been none stop flying for 7 hours. I flew all night, tears stinging my eyes. I'm determined to bring her body back, so that we can honour her properly. The wind felt Like ice the way it hit my face. My arms are getting sore from flying and I have to keep on repeating the spell so that I don't drop dead. Come to think of it, I'm almost at the border. I should fly to Xadia all the time! I landed just before the border and set out on foot. Only to realize that it's almost morning and that the path will be gone soon. I sighed and said.

"Manus, pluma, Volantis." And set off flying again.

 I reached the other side and started the long walk. The heat from the lava was too intense, i couldn't breathe or think. After a couple of hours of walking I finally saw it. The lake was boiling hot and the prison looked huge. I heard a stick crack behind me. I turned around in panic and got knocked out. My body surrounded in darkness.

I got served breakfast, a slice of bread and a glass of dusty water. As I munched down on em I couldn't get over Respen healing me this mornin. I rubbed ma back, which is only sore now and sighed. Just then an alarm went off and all of the cells opened. All of the prisoners ran out and I slowly trudged out. We all filed into the court and then I realize to ma absolute horror that I was the only female there. I saw all the men lookin up and down at me. Some gave me sympathetic glances and others grinned as if they were plannin somethin. I sat down and looked at the sky, whishin  I could see his face again. Callum's face.

"Hey, how y'a doing?" A man that looks around 39 came up to me. He wiggled his eyebrows.

"I have a human boyfriend who's a very powerful mage so if you lay one hand on me you'll never  see the light again." I said lookin down. He slowly backed away and went to go and talk to the other prisoners. I tugged at ma orange uniform and wished I could change time.

I woke up wearing a tacky orange uniform. I sat in a lonely cell with a door opened. I've been captured. I rubbed my sore hand. I got up and walked out, not sure where I was going. I found my way to the court.

No one's perspective:

Rayla pushed through the crowds when her eyes landed on someone in an orange uniform. He turned around and she saw his face and tears welled into her eyes.

"Callum!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, so loud it can wake up the dead. He turned around and almost fell over. His body in shock

"Rayla!" She saw him scream at the top of his lungs. He started running as fast as he can to her. She started running as fast as her body can will her to. Callum stumbled a bit but kept going. His heart pounding, this was all just a dream. Tears gleaming in both of their eyes she jumped into his arms and they locked lips. Finally. Tears streaming down both of their faces. They bumped heads and pulled away. Callum  clasped her cheeks and grabbed the back of her head and kissed  her again. All of the prisoners turned to look at them in jealousy. Rayla laughed and hugged his neck tight. He lifted her up and kissed her passionately. When they broke apart they bumped heads and collapsed on the ground.

"I thought you were dead." His voice croaked,

"I thought you gave up." She choked on happy tears. He pulled her into a tight bear hug and made a silent promise to never let her go again. Respen and Jandar watched, tears streaming down their faces. They couldn't believe they took her from him. Rayla laughed as he tried to fix her hair. All the prisoners were silently gritting their teeth.

"We're supposed to have your funeral in 4 days. Elves came and everything." He said.

"How's Ez?"

"Completely broken." Callum grinned.

"How did you find me?"

"I was looking for your body."


"Some elf named Ruith told me everything, after I threatened to kill him." Callum said. Rayla laughed and hugged him tight.

"Callum there's somethin I need to tell you." 


"Last night, the boss who wanted me here. He whipped ma back so hard I couldn't fell anythin."

"Who is he?"

"No- not only that he ummm raped me." She said. Callum quickly got up, anger spreading across his face.

"I'm going to murder him."

Separated, Rayllum *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now