The attack

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Soooo we'll only hear from Callum next chapter so enjoy this one with Rayla. I hope you have a hint bout what happens next bc of the title.

I groaned and woke up. I'm in a room. Who put me here? That last thing I remember was being on a rock and everything blacked out. I passed out from emotional stress and someone brought me to this room. I got up and saw that this was the exact same room we stayed in the first time. I sighed. All these signs, signs to go back home. Yes, Katolis is ma home. Home is with the people you love. Ethari taught me that. I got up and threw on ma original outfit. Since we're crossing into Xadia it only seems right. I put my hair in a messy bun and wrapped Callum's scarf around ma neck. I sniffed his scent and walked out. 

I saw Ezran and Ellis eating breakfast. When they made eye contact with me they flashed me a reassuring smile. I silently sat down and took a bite out of an apple. It tasted bland but I don't care. I glanced over to see that Janai and Lujanne were preppin the horses for the long trip. Ez cleared his throat which snapped my attention at him.

"So Rayla, how were you last night?" Ez asked trying to break the ice. I shot a glare at him.

"I was bawlin my eyes out into a lake while yellin at the sky thinkin it was Callum that I love him. So yeah, just peachy." I said with the most bland facial expression possible. They remained quiet after that.

"Time to go!" Lujanne said.

"I'm gonna miss you so much!" Ellis said jumping into Lujanne's arms. 

"Don't worry, you'll have Ava with you." She said hugging her tight. 

"Ok, we'll get to the border by midnight!" I said.

"what are we waiting for?" Ez said. Ellis gave one last hug to Lujanne, then hopped onto sugars back with me. Ez and Janai rode together while Ava raced back to Katolis. We said a sad goodbye and hoped she made the trip. We took off into the morning sun..... again.

We've been riding for hours, and most of the time I've spent fantasizing what I will do when I see Callum again. Ellis has been talking about her adventures since we've been gone. She's done a ton of things because of us. We spoke until we finally reached the village that the dragon attacked. The déjà vu was blindin pain. We grabbed some water and rode all the way to the border.

"Ok so now what?" Ezran asked.

"One does simply walk into Xadia." I said pointing to the moonstone path. 

"Woah!" Ez said staring at it.

"C'mon! Callum and I got stuck on this thing last time!" I said getting off of my horse. I pulled his reigns so that I was walking with him. I took the first step, and then hurried across. I made it halfway when I saw Ez starting to reluctantly cross it. I turned back to what I was doing until i finally made it across. I looked back and saw that Ez was barely halfway. With Ellis on Janai's back, looking absolutely terrified. I felt the presence of someone else behind me so I snapped my attention around. 3 men in red iron masks, broken horns sticking out of their heads, each paired with a rope and a weapon.

"Who is she?" The first one asked.

"The prince of Katolis's girlfriend." The second one said smiling wickedly. I gasped and stared runnin towards Ez and the others, whom stopped completely in worry. I felt a rope around ma leg and I screamed when the used it to pull me to the ground. The impact put ma body into shock and before I could do anything they tied my hands behind my back. Janai started runnin towards me but the held a blade to throat. Pain seared my legs, and I had tears streamin down my face. Callum, that's all I could think of.

"Let the girl go." Janai said slowly steppin towards me. I saw Ez holdin Ellis, who's crying in worry. 

"No, we will not." The third guy said.

"Yes you will." 

"No we'll not." These one guy said forcefully while piercing the blade harder. I whimpered and screamed. 

"LET HER GO." Janai said more forcefully.

"Why! Afraid you're gonna lose your girlfriends nephew's bride?" The second said.

"She's not his bride!" Ez screamed. I shot him a look. I felt the blade start grazin the surface of ma skin. Fear spread all over me as they slung me over their back. The emptied out ma pockets, threw the scarf on the ground, threw my dual blades inside the river of lava and forced me to go.

The last thing I saw was Janai trying to fight one of them, but then gettin her arm cut. I saw Ez break down in tears and Ellis running to grab ma scarf, Callum's scarf.

"Callum." I soft whisper escaped ma lips.

Separated, Rayllum *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now