Flight back

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I stirred in my sleep. I'm slowly loosing more and more blood. I shivered and Ellis wrapped the blanket tighter around me, slowly stoking my hair. I saw lying down, curled up in a ball, Janai was looking after Rayla in the front.

"Callum, you have to stay with us, just 10 more hours ok?" He said. I weakly nodded.

"He's not looking too good." I heard Ellis say to Ez.

"Neither is Rayla." Janai added in.

"Rayla." I said weakly, moving so that i cam see her.

"No! You must not move." Ellis shouted atme.

"What did they do to you?" Ez asked slowly. I trembled a bit, and took a shaky breath.

"I was only there for two days, Rayla was there for four." I said softly. 

"They ummm, well they umm. They did something to her." I said my voice cracking.

"Her hair?" Ez asked softly, not trying to crack me.

"Worse." I said, tears falling down my cheeks. Zym let out a soft whimper and i hugged him like a teddy bear.

"Two weeks was took long without you buddy!" I said.  Ez and Ellis decided not to ask any more questions.

"How is she?"

"Who?' Ez asked, looking back at me.

"Opeli." I said.


"RAYLA!" I said.

"Ohh ummm, her wrists are infected." Ez said.

"What?!" I said immediately shooting up, but then crying in pain.

"We got to get you both to healers." Ez said.

"Do you still see the elves? I asked.

"Riding right behind us." Janai cut in.

"I just want to go home." Was all that i could say before passing out.

Whoooooo! I've been so sick lately, but thankfully no COVID! I got a lot of writing down thankfully! But sadly this fic is all done. Also like #1 in tdp is like not real. There will be a piece missing in my heart when i finish this one but i will write others. Now time to clarify something. I will be open to sequels, but other people writing them. You have to ask first and then tag moi! But i am totally ok with it but if you don't tag i will have it taken down. Love you guys sop much, there like only 5 chapters left😭

Separated, Rayllum *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now