The meeting

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I just realized that this will be the tenth chapter that they aren't together. Anyway I hope you enjoy I had fun writing this one

I  woke up to the sound of Ez frantically shaking me. He had tears streaming down his face. I noticed I was on the ground with my head hurting. Ez sighed with relief and pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged him back and heard soft sniffles escape from him.

"They took her." His voice shook.

"She was scared and afraid and they took her." He said softly burying his head into my chest. I stroked his hair, i hadn't thought about the pain he's probably going through. 

"We have elves visiting us today for Rayla's mourning in 5 days." Ez said slowly. I sighed and got up for the first time in 2 days. I brushed my hair and slung my scarf over my neck. Trying not to cry I pulled Ezran out of my room and into the halls. We said goodbye because him, Ellis, and Janai  are now going to get Zym. They said he'll help. Guards lined up in the entrance of the great hall. All bowed down when they saw me. Soren and Amaya met me at the door and we walked in. They tried to hide the tears in their eyes. I saw a long table with five elves lined up. One of which caught my eye. A moonshadow elf. With scars on his face and wearing an outfit that looks like Rayla's. I caught his eye and he gave me a cold glare. 

"So, we are so pleased you can make it under horrible circumstances." Opeli said sitting down. At the table I sat in the middle with Soren and Amaya on both sides, Opeli and Gren at the ends. 

"Prince Callum, my name is Ruith." The moonshadow elf said standing up and giving a low bow.

"Ma name is Kali." A star touch elf said, bowing her head down and letting her purple wavy hair tumbled down her shoulders. She looked around 16.

"Prince, ma name is Drannor." A young sunfire elf bowed, with cocoa skin and cinnamon hair that was tied up in a bun.

"Ma prince, ma name is Meorise." A earthblood elf bowed down with sticks as horns and a  flower crown fixated in her hair.

"My name is Saira." A small voice came from a young tidebound elf. She had elbow length blue hair the colour of the ocean. Pearls hung from her hair, almost as if they grew out. She looked 11 and scared. 

"Welcome." I said returning their bows. 

"Well, the way it works we each have a guest to take care of." Opeli said. The elves nodded slowly.

"Soren, you'll be with Kali. No funny business. Amaya, you'll be with Drannor. Gren will be with Saira. I'll be with Meorise. And Callum will be with Ruith." Opeli said. I was glad that I didn't end up with one of the girls. They'll probably use my sadness to my advantage. I went up to Ruith and took his bag from him.

"I'll show you to your room." I said walking to the doors.

"Thanks." He quickly said. I noticed he didn't have an accent.

"How come no accent?" I asked.

"Huh?" He said cocking his head.

"How come you don't have an accent?" I asked trying not to sound rude.

"Oh, my father took it away from me." He said quietly. 

"Oh....." I said. We walked to the guest room right next to mine. He placed down his stuff and I invited him to my room. He stared at my pictures of Rayla intently, his eyes scanning all of them. 

"Now come to think of it, my favourite prisoner used to mention you. She said you would come rescue her and the moment we took her. But then you never came, and she lost hope in you. She ended up in prison where she got whipped to death." He said. Pain hit my chest quickly. I couldn't talk or move for a second.

  I closed my eyes as tears started pouring out and rage hit me fast. I lunged at his neck and cupped my hands around. I started choking him, tears blinding rage.

"Where is her body? I asked starting to draw runes.


"Where is she?" I screamed, hot tears pouring out of my eyes. 

Near Xadia, south from after you cross the moonstone path. There's a forest which then opens up a huge boiling lake and you have to get across. Be warned, if you're captured you'll never get out." He said. I released him and grabbed a bag, left my scarf on the pole of my bed and started climbing out the window. 

"Malus, pluma, volantis." I shouted. Mage wings grew and I stared at them in wonder.

"Save her." Ruith said. I looked back and then jumped.

Separated, Rayllum *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now