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"You're smart and fast and beautiful. Rayla you're the most amazing person I've ever met." Those words rung in my head when we took off.

We've been down this trail before, except this time we're going much faster. The fast wind was helping cover my flowing tears.

I knew Callum was going to be okay, he can handle himself perfectly fine. But if something were to happen it would break me. I've lost everyone but him at this point.

I saw Ez and Janai laughing together, I wanted to be happy like them and enjoy myself slightly, but I couldn't. I felt the scarf around my neck come loose and in a second it flew away flapping in the wind.

"No!" I screamed, grabbing it before it blew away completely.

I almost lost his favorite thing in the world.

I cried lightly, clutching onto it.

I moved to wrap the scarf back around my neck, feeling the warmth it brought. I sniffed it and had instant regrets.

It smelled like sweat, fart flowers from Xadia and Callum.

I coughed at the smell and wiped away any stray tears.

We passed by the banter lodge and finally slowed down for a bit.

"Ok, time to take a rest." Janai said while helping Ez get off his horse.

"Already, we've only been travelling for an hour!" I complained to try and cover up my tears,

"Well Ez needs to pee and the horses need a quick break." I sighed, I couldn't argue with that. I looked away while Ez found a bush. During our travels we really didn't give a damn about the bathroom. They went in circles around me, and we never bathed because I hated going near rivers.

I miss Bait and Callum, it's not the same without my big dumb human. He always talked about primal magic and stuff like that, it used to be annoying, but now I wish I would've listened to him in the first place.

When Ez was done we hopped back on our horses and continued traveling. The trees, the river, the wildlife, everything looks the same. I clutched onto Cal's scarf, not wanting to cry and embarrass myself again.

We passed by mountains, where I dropped poor Zym into freezing cold water. Ezran laughed and told the joke to Janai, who was amused with all of our adventures.

We then stopped for lunch, which i was not too happy with because we really needed to get going.

"This is where I dove in!" Ez said pointing at the frozen lake. Janai laughed and joked by pushing him and then immediately pulling him back. Ez screamed.

"That's not funny!" He said.

"It kinda is." I said, smiling for the first time since we've left. Ez noticed and smiled, he knows I'm hurting. I would've stayed behind if they gave me a choice. Callum and I together, my family. We sat down and to my utter horror, all that they packed was meat and bread. No vitamins at all.

"C'mon Rayla, you have to eat!" Janai said, taking a bite of dried steak. I sighed and took a bite. It was delicious, but I was still upset at our poor packing this time around.

We rode into a familiar town, where we met Ellis. Janai went off in search of some hay and I had to watch Ezran. I saw he was thinking about Ellis. Ez ran to her house and knocked on her door. I smirked as he frantically fixed his hair. When the door opened I saw Ellis's face drop. Then she smiled and ran up to him.

"Ez, it's you!" She said as jumped on top of him to hug him. She knocked them both onto the ground. Ez's hands were in shock, but then her wrapped one around her head and the other around her back. Slow tears started streaming down her closed eyes and she inhaled and exhaled. He helped her get up while still holding onto her.

"You came back." She whispered, hugging him again.

"Is Ava with you?" He whispered, rocking them slightly back and forth. Ezran pulled away and put a hand on her cheek.

"No she stayed with Lujanne." She said placing a hand on his hand on her cheek, and leaning into it.

"It's so good to see you, I knew you'd come." She said bringing his hand down and kissing him on the cheek, blushing slightly. When she pulled away I saw Ezran's flabbergasted face. Then a huge grin broke out in his face and he hugged her tight. I felt tears running down my cheeks. Inside Ezran's shocked face was ma big dumb human's shocked face after I kissed him. I saw Ellis turn to me.

"Rayla! Where's Callum?" She asked looking around. I turned to her with my face covered in tears.

"He didn't come." I said. She let go of Ezran and ran up to hug me.

"We're gonna be okay." She whispered in my ear. I broke down crying. Callum said that.

Ma big dumb human says that.


Separated, Rayllum *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now