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She's alive, my girlfriend is alive." We sat down for lunch, they've chained our feet to the chairs so then we can't move. She rested her head on my shoulder while poking at her food. I felt someone eyeing me and i turned around to see a sun fire elf looking right at me.

"Who is he?" I whispered to Rayla as she perked up to see who i was talking about.

"That's Jandar." She said.

"He's the one who took you... isn't he?" I asked.

"Yes, but i sense he's havin a change at heart.

"What do you mean?"

"He seems.... Nice." She said. I burst out laughing and she nuzzled into my neck. I tugged at the orange uniform and softly stroked her hair.

"What about the one next to him?" I asked.

"That's Respen, he was very sweet to me."

"Does this mean he likes you?" I said slightly panicking.

"I don't think ma boyfriend will be too pleased with another guy liking me."

"Well you're damn right about that!" I said tickling her. She screamed and laughed. I loved seeing her happy. I love her.

We spent hours rackin our brains to try and figure out an escape plan, but nothin. Nothin. We were back in the courtyard and I felt someone tug on ma shoulder. A 7 foot tall man that looks 40 was towerin above me. 

"Why, aren't you pretty?" He said in a low voice. I felt Callum's hand on ma shoulder, grip slowly tightenin. 

"She's taken." Callum said sternly.

"Oh, is that so?" He said loudly.

"If you want to rot in a jail  sell worse than here, you can touch her. But I'm warning you, Ez isn:t gonna be happy when he finds out his brother is dead. You'll be thrown into a Katolian cell, spending the last of your days wishing that someone will feed you with my girlfriend torturing you every other day. And if you lay a hand on her, boy... you"re in trouble."  Callum said smirking while slowly drawing runes. He took a step back.

"Now.... Rethink your decision." Callum said in a lowered voice. The man slowly walked away, murmurin somethin about royalty.

Sooo um, I'm greatly sorry for not posting and I know this is short, but I've been dreadfully sick

Separated, Rayllum *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now