Good news

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I walked alongside Callum, who was sketching "the scenery", which I know isn't true at all. He used to have pictures on the walls of his room that he drew. Most of his family. But now it's all Me, Ezran, Zym, and Bait.

He loves us all and it makes my heart melt every time I see it. He's got all kinds of group sketches and single ones.

It's has been four days since we've gotten back from Xadia and I could tell we're all missing Zym, including Bait. Last night when Zym was brought up everyone fell silent. I even saw Ez cry a little bit. Callum went to bed silent, muttering a simple "i love you."

I looked up when i heard Callum sigh, watching him smear his sketch lightly with his thumb.

"Hey Callum?" I asked. He didn't look up from his sketchbook.

"Calluuuum, Callum, camel?" I teased him.

"Hey!" He said looking up from his drawing.

I giggled. "Watcha doing camel?"

He made a face at the name and put down his sketchbook.

"Camel? Seriously?"

I smirked and walked over him. I sat down next to him and gently ruffled his hair.

"Hmm feels good." He mumbled, leaning into the touch. I tilted his chin towards me and softly kissed him. He sighed into the kiss and cupped my cheek with his hand. He pulled away with a smug look on his face,

"What was that for?" He asked, a playful smirk on his lips.

"You're ma boyfriend, i just wanted to let you know how much I care about you," I said smiling.

"Aww you care about me?" He teased, frowning when i punched him in the arm.

"Oh do you wanna go?" He said cracking his knuckles.

"No fair, you have magic!" I said tackling him the the ground. I landed on top of him, both of us laughing. But the laughing stopped when we looked at each other.

"You look so beautiful from down here." He mumbled, tucking a strand of my silvery hair behind my ears.

"You guys better not be fucking." A voice came from in front of me. I looked up and gasped in delight when i saw ez with Amaya and Janai. I rolled off Callum and went to tackle Amaya with a hug. She laughed and pulled me close. I pulled back and watched Callum getpulled into the biggest bear hug ever.

"Aunt Amaya, what are you doing here?" He asked, pulling away.

"We have great news, Zym is coming to Katolis for a fortnight!" Janai said.

"WHATTT." Callum screeched, looking between Amaya and Janai for confirmation.

Amaya nodded.

Ez looked like he was about to pass out from happiness, and instantly hugged my side.

"That's amazin!" I said.

"It is, so here's the plan guys. Callum and I will be staying behind getting everything ready, while Rayla, Ez, and Janai will be going to get Zym!" Amaya signed.

Oh no.

"Why can't I go?" Callum whined like a child.

I tried to hid my laugh, he's so cute when he's upset.

"Because god forbid if anything where to happen to Ez, you're in line for the throne. Also you're in big trouble for getting all handsy with Rayla this morning." Opeli said cutting in. Ez covered his ears and yelled "I'm not hearing this."

"Ohh, please do spill the tea!" Janai said smirking at us.

"Soren walked in on both of them well, undressed." Opeli replied. I hid my face in embarrassment and I saw Callum go pink.



Separated, Rayllum *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now